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FANHALL ID: if01815
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片名: 二十三届敖运会
其它片名: /The Ao Village Games
导演: 顾桃
制片人: 顾桃
摄影: 顾桃, 宏雷, 赵杰伟
剪辑: 宏雷
音乐: 齐万民
片长: 27分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国
制作机构: 案影像工作室

影片概述 . . . . . .

There are several major events happened in 2008’s China. The 29th Olympic Games liberated people out of Wenchuan earthquake’s sorrow, molding the boiling Beijing.
The following is the real voice that echoed towards these two events by forest nations in the faraway Great Khingan.

导演阐述 . . . . . .

2004年我开始关注大兴安岭的深林民族敖鲁古雅鄂温克人的命运。总人数不到两百人的他们和这个蓬勃的时代同行。内心却像渐渐消失的森林一样孤独。那时的记录就多以生存现状为主。但其实他们并不简单的和自然和现代文明做微弱的抗争,同时也同样关注着森林之外的更大的世界。森林没有和这个世界割裂。08年的几件大事中的奥运和汶川地震让我的鄂温克朋友做出了简单的判断。是的 ,奥运给我们带来了什么,汶川地震给我们怎样的情感触动,我的镜头也自然转向了他们平实的声音……

Director’s Statement:
From 2004 I began to pay attention to the fate of the forest nation, Owenke in Aoluguya, Great Khingan. With a population less than 200, they keep up with the modern prosperous time tightly, but their inner heart is as lonely as the gradually disappeared forest. In 2004, most records focused on their living conditions. In fact, they did not only fight between nature and modern civilization, but also concerned the bigger world outside forest. In one word, the forest is not separated from the modern world. The Olympic Games and Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008 have urged my Owenke friends to judge that, what the Olympic gave us, how the Wenchuan Earthquake moved us. In this way, my camera naturally turned to their real voices…

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评分: 未评分 年月:2009.11

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