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FANHALL ID: if01322
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片名: Paisà
其它片名: 老乡/战火的彼岸
导演: Roberto Rossellini
编剧: Federico Fellini, Klaus Mann, Marcello Pagliero, Alfred Hayes
制片人: Roberto Rossellini, Rod E. Geiger, Mario Conti
摄影: Otello Martelli
声音: Ovidio Del Grande
剪辑: Eraldo Da Roma
主演: Carmela Sazio, Robert Van Loon, Benjamin Emanuel
音乐: Renzo Rossellini
片长: 125分钟
年份: 1946年
语言: 意大利语/德语/英语/西西里语

影片概述 . . . . . .

Just when you thought that the cinema form had lost its capacity to carry an important social message without the use of artsy-fartsy rethoric, there comes "Paisà"; a masterpiece for the ages. Rosselini is a name that must be spoken of in all schools and universities of the world. His ability (combined to a perfect script) to convey emotional meaning in film with the use of non-professional actors, natural locations, and still be able to make it VIBRANT and EXCITING... it´s uncanny. The power of the stories told in "Paisà", although very distant in time and geography (for me, anyways) compells any intelligent human being to stand up against every kind of dictatorship and violence. On top of all that, Rosselini doesn´t use cheap tricks to win the public´s heart through melodramatics. His films are very down-to-earth and often take a distance from their main characters, which helps our rational analysis of the situation without being blinded by passion. Like Brecht used to do, i think.

All six stories are my favorites, but I particularly like the monastery segment. It portrays religious prejudice by christian monks towards two priests, one jewish and another a lutheran, right in the middle of the war. To the absurdity of all, the monks come to the priests´ companion, a Christian, to make them realize "the true path". One more time, Rosselini doesn´t end the segment with lessons of moral; its ending is very ambiguous and ironic. "Paisà" is a gem; i like it better than "Roma, Città Aperta", also a masterpiece of neorealism.

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