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Roma, città aperta

FANHALL ID: if01323
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片名: Roma, città aperta
其它片名: 罗马不设防的城市
导演: Roberto Rossellini
编剧: Federico Fellini, Sergio Amidei
制片人: Roberto Rossellini, Giuseppe Amato, Rod E. Geiger, Ferruccio De Martino
摄影: Ubaldo Arata
声音: Raffaele Del Monte
剪辑: Eraldo Da Roma
主演: Aldo Fabrizi, Marcello Pagliero, Anna Magnani
音乐: Renzo Rossellini
片长: 100分钟
年份: 1945年
类型: 剧情
国别: 意大利
语言: 意大利语/德语
制作机构: Excelsa Film

影片概述 . . . . . .

Rosselini shot 'Roma Città Aperta' in the open streets post-war. His film-making resources were limited, as is apparent in the film, since he uses natural lighting, non-professional actors and a delicate sound system) but it only gives the film a stark and more authentic look making the atmosphere more terrifying and a the experience more real. Most of the 'props' and 'sets' and even many of the Nazi soldiers were real. Unlike many historical films, this one does right by the historical facts (even though it's a work of fiction).

What is most outstanding is Rosselini's compelling storytelling. Instead of showing us a documentary account (due to lack of film-equipments) he gives us a moving story of resistance. I was also impressed by the subtle way he brought out the characters such as the homosexuality of the Nazis. He also extracts marvelous performances from his actors. Aldo Fabrizi and Anna Magnani stand out. The background score (though used minimally) adds some melodrama but not in a poor way.

If one can look beyond the poor technology of the film, 'Roma Città Aperta' is one of the most powerful films of its genre. Though the film may depress, and at some point horrify the viewer, the ending is profound and hopeful. In the end, it's a story about fear, courage, integrity and hope

二次大战结束前夕,占领罗马的德军仍大肆搜捕游击队。遭到追捕的地下党员工程师曼发弟逃出来,又在平娜的帮助下见到了唐 皮得罗神父,请神父将一笔巨款交给游击队。德军包围了平娜家,向逮捕曼发弟,神父镇静的应付德军,德军只抓走了平娜就要嫁给的工人弗兰西斯科,平娜饮弹自尽身亡。曼发弟与绝处逢生的弗兰西斯克继续在城内活动。由于曼发弟的女友告密,曼发弟和神父被捕,他们都在敌人的酷刑和枪弹下英勇牺牲... ...

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