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FANHALL ID: if00457
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片名: ヨコハマメリー
其它片名: 横滨玛莉/被遗忘的真实/Yokohama Mary
导演: 中村高宽
主演: 永登元次郎, 五大路子
片长: 92分钟
年份: 2005年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 日本
语言: 日语
格式: 彩色

影片概述 . . . . . .

By the end, she'd become an art object. "Yokohama Mary" arrived in Yokohama's Isezaki district in 1961, at the age of 40, and disappeared suddenly 35 years later, in 1995. She must have been the most striking hooker in Japan, and not only because of her age; she was always made up in whiteface and usually dressed in white too. during her years on the streets many people noticed her, gossiped about her, speculated about her past. She influenced butoh dance, she provoked S-M novelist Dan Oniroku, she starred in photographer Mori Hideo's book Mary, Pass of the Habour - and now Sugiyama Giho has staged a play about her.
With the help of chanson singer Nagato Ganjiro (Mary's long-term friend and benefactor, himself a former hooker, now ravaged by cancer), Nakamura Takayuki's documentary pieces together the facts of Mary's life, from her origins as a hooker for American GIs in Yokosuka to her current berth in a home for the elderly. It's a fascinating trip, partly because it explores a hidden subculture, and partly because this kind of investigative cultural history is almost unknown in Japanese cinema.

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他们忘了说,纪录片没问题! [展开/收起]
孤岛   2010-06-10 09:23:53   0回应
她本该为艺术家而生 [展开/收起]
长命百岁   2008-12-30 00:03:55   2回应
放映过程中,不小心睡着了,也许是因为中午吃多了。 不过玛莉这个老太太却让我很动心,有一个问题我一直都没有想明白,最后既然见到了玛莉小姐本人,...

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孤岛MIDA 看过
评分: 9分 年月:2010.06
黑眼圈中央戏剧学院 看过
评分: 10分 年月:-0001.11

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