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FANHALL ID: if00453
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片名: Kimjongilia
其它片名: 秋海棠/金正日花
导演: N.C. Heikin
编剧: N.C. Heikin
制片人: N.C. Heikin
摄影: Kyle Saylors
剪辑: Peterson Almeida, Nabila El Khettabi, Mary Lampson
音乐: Michael Gordon
片长: 75分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 记录/剧情
国别: 法国/美国/韩国
语言: 英语/韩语
制作机构: Green Garnet Productions

影片概述 . . . . . .

For some, the Korean War was a clear example of American imperialism. For others, it was a valiant effort on the part of the UN and the Koreans to quash the spread of communism. For all Koreans, it was a tragedy. The country was not just divided; it was devastated. The death toll was astronomical, and the destruction profound. Many engage in assigning blame for the war according to their political beliefs, but this is a useless exercise. The point is that the human rights situation in North Korea today is catastrophic. KIMJONGILIA is the first film to let North Korean refugees tell their stories in their own words

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评分: 未评分 年月:2009.11

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