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FANHALL ID: if00376
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其它片名: /Me
导演: 陈学刚
片长: 3分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 试验片
国别: 中国

影片概述 . . . . . .

影片以大量的网络图片(不同身份人物头像面部特写)和数码相机实拍的各类人物头像相结合,并以每一个头像为一帧的单位方式串接成逐帧动画影像。通过正常速度的视频放映,这样大量的头像图片便产生了 “超速”的变化,转化成动态的视觉形态。本来每一帧的清晰人物头像面貌被瞬间扫过,所以我们从超速即逝的动态影像表面无法观察到每一个头像的面部特征和有关信息。从而堵塞和阻断了观众读取影像的心理,大量的不同职业、不同类别的头像在瞬间即逝的变化中,面部已变得模糊;观众无法在影像里找到明晰的答案和参照,我们力求想找到“我”的面部细节和信息,但结果伴随的只有茫然和失语,我们无法寻到有关“我”或者生命体的答案。这样的超速变换的头像也正好暗合了快速变化的中国现实,我们已无力把握自我、认清自我,并以这种超速的惯性继续迷失。“我”到底是谁?“我”期待找到“我”;我需要答案。

The Movie including a large number of pictures and images from the internet and DC, every frame is an image. When these images playback in normal speed continuous, we will find the images “Ultra-fast” moving and the movie give us a dynamic visualization. Actually, every image is very clear in fixed state, but we can’t catch the detail information from the fast-moving images. Maybe we meet a large number of people come from the different trades and different status, but we can’t recognize them because they “move” so fast, even to myself. In China today, I lost myself due to the world change so fast. Who am I? Which one is me? I need the answer.

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