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A Film Unfinished

FANHALL ID: if03696
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片名: A Film Unfinished
其它片名: 未完成的电影
导演: Yael Hersonski
编剧: Yael Hersonski
制片人: Itai Ken-Tor
摄影: Itay Landau
剪辑: Joel Alexis
片长: 88分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 德国 / 以色列
语言: 德语 / 希伯来语 / 依地语 / 波兰语

影片概述 . . . . . .

Yael Hersonski's powerful documentary achieves a remarkable feat through its penetrating look at another film-the now-infamous Nazi-produced film about the Warsaw Ghetto. Discovered after the war, the unfinished work, with no soundtrack, quickly became a resource for historians seeking an authentic record, despite its elaborate propagandistic construction. The later discovery of a long-missing reel complicated earlier readings, showing the manipulations of camera crews in these "everyday" scenes. Well-heeled Jews attending elegant dinners and theatricals (while callously stepping over the dead bodies of compatriots) now appeared as unwilling, but complicit, actors, alternately fearful and in denial of their looming fate.

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