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FANHALL ID: if04573
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片名: 無法松の一生
其它片名: 手车夫之恋
导演: 稲垣浩
编剧: 伊丹万作
摄影: Kazuo Miyagawa  
主演: 月形龍之介, 阪東妻三郎
音乐: Goro Nishi
片长: 80分钟
年份: 1943年
类型: 剧情
国别: 日本
语言: 日语
制作机构: Daiei Studios

影片概述 . . . . . .

 A lowly rickshaw driver is tasked with raising a young boy after his father passes away unexpectedly. The situation provides the opportunity for the rickshaw driver to grow as a human being and prove his potential in taking the responsibility for helping the boy grow to manhood. Also a love story between the rickshaw driver and the widow, which is blocked by barriers of class.

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