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No End in Sight

FANHALL ID: if00167
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片名: No End in Sight
其它片名: 一望无际
导演: Charles Ferguson
编剧: Charles Ferguson
制片人: Mary Walsh, Jessie Vogelson, Audrey Marrs, Alex Gibney, Charles Ferguson, Jennie Amias
摄影: Antonio Rossi
剪辑: Cindy Lee, Chad Beck
主演: Ahmad Chalabi, Joost Hiltermann, George Packer, Feisal Istrabadi, Samantha Power, Colin Powell, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, James Bamford, George Tenet, Marc Garlasco, Paul Hughes, Robert Hutchings, Omar Fekeiki, Ali Fadhil, Gerald Burke, 坎比·斯科特/Campbell Scott
音乐: Peter Nashel
片长: USA:102 / Germany:102分钟
年份: 2007年
类型: 纪录
国别: 美国
语言: 英语/阿拉伯语
制作机构: Post Factory NY, Falcon Security, Bigstar Motion Designgraphics

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获得奖项 . . . . . .

Academy Awards, USA
2008 Nominated Oscar Best Documentary, Features

Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards
2008 Nominated Critics Choice Award Best Documentary

Chicago Film Critics Association Awards
2007 Nominated CFCA Award Best Documentary

Florida Film Critics Circle Awards 
2007 Won FFCC Award Best Documentary

Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards
2007 Won LAFCA Award Best Documentary/Non-Fiction Film

National Society of Film Critics Awards, USA 
2008 Won NSFC Award Best Non-Fiction Film

New York Film Critics Circle Awards
2007 Won NYFCC Award Best Non-Fiction Film

Online Film Critics Society Awards 
2008 Nominated OFCS Award Best Documentary

San Francisco Film Critics Circle
2007 Won SFFCC Award Best Documentary

Satellite Awards 
2007 Nominated Satellite Award Best Documentary DVD
Best Motion Picture, Documentary

Southeastern Film Critics Association Awards
2007 Won SEFCA Award Best Documentary

Sundance Film Festival 
2007 Won Special Jury Prize Documentary
Charles Ferguson
In recognition of the film as timely work that clearly illuminates the misguided policy decisions that have led to the catastrophic quagmire of the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq.
Nominated Grand Jury Prize Documentary

Toronto Film Critics Association Awards
2007 Won TFCA Award Best Documentary

Writers Guild of America, USA 
2008 Nominated Documentary Screenplay Award
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