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路上/On The Road / 杨弋枢

农历春节前夕 卡车司机从江苏南通出发 送货到贵州 出发后他们才知道 他们碰上了雪灾 Lunar New Year’s Eve A rare snowstorm , seen only once in a century hit China’s southern regions. The truck driver sets off from Nantong in Jiangsu province with a delivery for Guizhou. Susong in Anhui province

回到达县/Back to Daxian / 刘蘅

县在四川的东北部,大巴山的腹地,小地方的人不喜欢这个名字,把这里改成了"达川",还是不满意,又改成了今天的"达州"。片子是关于火车站铁路中学初一的一班孩子,也是这个年级三个尖子班中的一个。纪律委员陈婷婷同学是我的主角,她可爱,脾气暴躁。在这样一个城乡接合部,家长们自顾不暇,老师们心有余而力不足,小孩子成长得歪歪倒倒。 Daxian is located deep in the Daba mountains in the northeast of Sichuan province. Actually, Daxian is the city's former name. Its residents didn't like the name Daxian because "xian" m...

可爱的骨头/ / 彼得杰克逊


老唐头/ / 徐童


In Purgatory/ / iovanni Cioni:

影片通过一次时间旅行,穿越了特别的审判法庭、西班牙角、萨尼塔、蒙泰桑托、波焦雷阿莱墓地, “让人们在善良与阴险,正义与邪恶中正视现实中的自己。

Mussolini's Dirty War/ / Giovanni Don francesco


Red Road/红路 / Andrea Arnold

An intimate and moving portrayal of characters both devastated and desperate. Performances are very subtle, yet brimming with emotion, so much so that some scenes are really quite uncomfortable to watch. Direction is also brilliant and the low budget restrictions really do not show. Also a very successful portrayal of the way many people in Glasgow live. I am very excited about the next two in the trilogy, as there were strong hints of very interesting stories accompanying the supporting charact...

Fish Tank/90后突围少女 / Andrea Arnold

2009 has seen the release of two excellent European films addressing the subject of adolescence. Sweden's 'Let The Right One In' explored childhood relationships against the backdrop of vampirism and despite having its roots entrenched in horror it was ultimately a beautiful drama about two lost souls who find each other. 'Fish Tank' is much more focused on real-life modern day Britain, as 15 year-old Mia Willams (brilliantly played by newcomer Katie Jarvis) fights a losing battle against life....

Pasabe/ / James Leong

偏远的帕萨比村庄位于帝汶岛东西岸之间岌岌可危的边界上。一个战乱杀戮的社会,带着伤痕累累的过去。直到1999年的独立投票,帕萨比是一个数百名印尼民兵战略基地,他们在东帝汶制造暴力骚乱,带来一场血淋淋的屠杀。许多家庭持续悲伤流离,问题依然没有答案。谁参加了屠杀?又应该谴责谁? 五年来,有一个人公开了他在大屠杀中扮演的角色。这是一个爆炸性的行为,他不仅向可能遭到的起诉暴露了自己,还有来自人民的强烈控诉。 指控不断,沉默的协议被打破,一个社会的灵魂被刺穿。长达一年的镜头记录,这部影片始终追求着救赎和宽恕。这是...

Match Made/ / Mirabelle Ang

每一天,来自亚洲各地的人们,都会在胡志明市留步,这里是他们寻求完美另一半的必经之路。用真实录像和采访,匹配制造呈现给我们了一个错综复杂的事件——利用网络从农村和西贡周边买卖交易新娘。 Each day, men from various parts of Asia make a stop in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) where they embark on their search for a perfect match. Using verité footage and interviews, Match Made offers a glimpse into the intricate network of the buying and selling of women as brides from villages around Saigon.

All That You Can’t Leave Behind/ / 何俊雄

何俊雄是一个普通的缅甸人,他背井离乡寻求更好的生活。11年后他结束了在新加坡的工作和生活。没想到,他和其他一些缅甸认识到,他们的未来不可逆转地改变了,他们决定并肩作战为和平抗议进行活动,反对缅甸军政府。 John Moe is an ordinary Burmese national who left his home country in search of a better life. He ended up living and working in Singapore for over eleven years. Little did he and a few other Burmese realize that their future became irrevocably altered when they decided to stand shoulder-to-should...

The Way I Look at You/ / Jean-Stéphane Bron

这个故事发生在汽车驾驶学校里。同一辆轿车里,五个不同的遭遇,却是同样的悲惨和荒诞。五对夫妇都是试图想获得驾驶证而走到了一起,但却按国籍和肤色的不同而区分。一个女人多次测试失败,最后她通过她的佛教老师找到了内心的和谐;一名阿富汗流亡者在滔滔不绝地向他的女教师倾诉他的悲哀和忧虑;来自沃州的驾驶教师正对一名印度学生讲着种族歧视笑话,而这时被收养的海尔维希,正努力变得比瑞士人更像瑞士人……This is the story of five encounters, both tragic and funny, which all take place in one car in a driving school. Fi...

Requiem/ / Reni Mertens

一首没有文字的抒情诗。一首为在20世纪欧洲战场上死去的数以百万计的各国士兵的安魂曲。A lyrical poem without words. A requiem for the millions of soldiers of all nations who died on the battlefields of Europe in the 20th century.

Face au juge/ / Pierre-François Sauter

继起诉和逮捕之后,预审法官开始处理个案。在听取被告在非公开会议发表的控诉,并决定他们的命运时,他直面残酷的社会现实。被告有很多话要告诉他们:情节,意外,暴力,冲突,误解,整体的计划,不良行为在验尸官的办公室里重演,充满着荒唐,可笑和悲惨。一场人间喜剧正上演,浮现在我们眼前。Subsequent to indictments and arrests, the examining magistrate deals with the individual cases. While listening to the accused in closed sessions and deciding their fate, he is directly confronted with brutal social reality. ...

Echoes of Home/ / Stefan Schwietert

欢呼的声音,歌者的声音,电影的最原始的工具:来自人类的声音。来自瑞士和奥地利阿尔卑斯山的自各行各业的人们,他们对人类声音的旋律热情满溢,情有独钟。Of cheering sounds and other singings, a film about that most primal of instruments: the human voice. About the muscial vocalists of the Swiss and Austrian Alps who come from all walks of life and their passion for the melodic quality of the human voice.

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