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happy thank you more please/ / Josh Radnor

"Happythankyoumoreplease" features a talented and fresh cast of people. The basic premise of the film features the current generation of 20 somethings who live in NY. The story focuses on several characters and their battles with growing up, understanding how the world works, and ultimately what it means to fall in love with the right person for them. This interesting and feel good film was told by Josh Radnor, who not only directed but wrote the film. 纽约客的故事聚焦于生活于纽约的20左右的青年...

玩票/"获奖感言" / 谢首洁


白银/Silver City / 李沛峰

在外地生活了多年以后,李沛峰回到自己的故乡——中国西北   白银地区的一个村庄。四年时间里他断断续续的拍摄,完成了   他的第一部作品《白银》。   没有主要的人物,包括作者的父亲也和大多数村民一样是群像   描写中不突显的一员。隐隐约约我们知道这又是一个有关拆   迁和流放的故事。多年处于封闭的村庄因为和他们毫无关系的   “西气东输”工程以及所谓的“乡村城市化”运动,人们被迫   和被骗离开自己世代居住的土地。   是在这样的背景之下,作者描述了他的主角:那片干燥,贫   瘠,空气中充满了土...

黄石大道/ / 卫铁

这个短片是黄石籍导演卫铁在学生时代拍摄的一个作品,讲述一个普通人,他的工作、爱好、爱情、生活。背景是一场画外的洪水,只在电视的转播中出现在镜头中。我想这个短片的芜杂,根源于生活自身的芜杂。导演想讲什么道理吗?他只是表达他的感受。这种感受,也是这样的百感交集且百无聊赖。   影片中有三次字幕。第一次是李白的诗《月夜独酌》,第二次是徐志摩的诗《偶然》,第三次是新闻中的洪水报道。它们起了一点区隔的作用,但也没有成为结构的支柱。这个短片相当散漫。   在典雅的诗意与现实的洪流中,生活是乏味与无趣的。交警...

墨绿嫣红/ / 张经纬

 一个14岁吸毒少女最不想面对的一天 (30分,香港,4K格式,将于2010年6月公映)   http://www.douban.com/photos/album/25912857/

我要来港/ / 张经纬

二零零九年六月二十六日晚,中環遮打花園再次傳來閔南歌謠,一眾公公婆婆邊唱歌,邊喊「家庭團聚,基本人權」等口號,為內地子女爭取居留權。可是,抗爭十年,一直苦無音訊,很多子女為免耽誤發展,早已回鄉定居,只剩下余小青,一位年近四十的福建女子,堅持為理想繼續比拚。   十年歲月,小青每三個月往返內地續雙程證,來港照顧雙親,同時積極參與居權運動,從中學習民主、人權等政治概念,並享受香港這個法治社會為她提供的自由空氣。可是,精神的飽足不能治肚,她不時要留在內地打工,賺取生活費,前幾年她積勞成疾,身體健康欠佳...

小东西/Thomas Mao / 朱文


The Inventions of Dr. Nakamats/ / Kaspar Astrup Schröder

中松博士是日本的偶像级人物,一位拥有超过3400项专利的著名发明家,他的发明包括第一个软盘、春药爱情的喷剂、与Nakamats医生的脑饮料。他最好的灵感总是来源于水下,“死亡前的0.5秒”。(为了能立即写下这些主意,他也发明了一种水下便笺。)中松博士将庆祝他的80岁生日,但他依然感到年轻并且充满活力。他深信自己能够活至144岁,但是他如何才能达到这个目标呢?这部影片记录了这位与众不同的日本名人为了达成他的长寿计划而进行的新发明的研发。    A portrait of a 81-year-old Japanese inventor with 3,300 patents -- for eve...

The Monastery: Mr. Vig and the Nun/ / Pernille Rose Grønkjær

An eccentric ex-priest's half-century-old dream to start a monastery in his Danish castle is about to come true, but then he runs into a stubborn nun. The eccentric looking Mr. Vig walks through rooms and ponders what nuns need. Ashtrays? No, nuns don't smoke. Are the blankets thick enough? They're used to roughing it, right? The rooms belong to the Danish castle Hesbjerg, which Mr. Vig bought once upon a time with the idea of establishing a monastery there. Since 1950, he's been dreaming of th...

Boris Ryzhy/ / Aliona van der Horst

 Intimate and poetic depiction of the prematurely deceased Russian poet Boris Ryzhy and of Yekaterinburg, the bleak industrial town that influenced his life and work. The streets of the Russian city of Yekaterinburg have little consideration for the past. Or could it be director Aliona van der Horst's camera that puts off the former neighbours of the Russian poet Boris Ryzhy? In any case, they cannot recall the promising young man seven years after his death (he committed suicide in 2001 at th...

The Yes Men Fix the World/ / Andy Bichlbaum

在这部尖锐而搞笑的纪录片中,“没问题侠客”冒充大公司发言人发表言论。       两个40岁左右、长相帅气的男子,把自己打扮得夸张古怪。他们是左翼积极分子,但他们时常冒充大公司发言人发表言论。就这样,他们通过各种恶作剧制造了一次又一次的新闻。他们成功地扮成陶氏化学的发言人,接受BBC新闻台的访问,声明陶氏化学愿意为印度波帕化学泄露的成千上万的受害者进行赔偿。这条环球新闻播放了一个小时,直到陶氏化学出面否认该项声明。他们的恶作剧并非毫无作用,通过努力,他们向人们证明,有志者事竟成。在这部富有娱乐性的纪录...

The Player/ / John Appel

Using his own father's gambling addiction as a springboard, director John Appel seeks out the true nature of people who cannot live without "playing." As this film makes clear, its director John Appel has a deeply rooted interest in gambling. His father was an ardent horserace player, which caused problems in the family to say the least. Shortly before he died, Appel's father wrote him a letter while he was still at school. This letter serves as Appel's point of departure for an investigation i...

Farewell/ / Ditteke Mensink

In 1929, against the backdrop of the interwar period, journalist Lady Grace Drummond-Hay traveled as the first female passenger on a round-the-world Zeppelin flight. Constructed entirely of archive footage, Farewell is the story of English journalist Lady Grace Drummond-Hay. In August of 1929, two months before the stock market crash would plunge the world into the Great Depression, newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst added Drummond-Hay to the passenger list of the Graf Zeppelin as the on...

Stranded/ / Gonzalo Arijon

The Uruguayan survivors of a plane crash in the Andes, who kept themselves alive for ten weeks look back on their experiences. The incredible survival story of the Uruguayan rugby team that survived a plane crash in 1972 and managed to stay alive for more than ten weeks on a 4000 metre high glacier in the Andes 35 years later, is as spectacular as ever. Not in the least because they were forced to eat human flesh. Director Gonzalo Arijon, an old friend of the survivors, first uses dramatised sc...

The Underground Orchestra/ / Heddy Honigmann

本片讲述的是巴黎地铁中演奏乐器为生的地下乐队的故事。   影片的主人公包括来自委内瑞拉的竖琴手、来自萨拉热窝的小提琴家、来自阿根廷的钢琴家、来自马里的歌手和来自罗马尼亚的琴师。虽然影片片名是“地下乐队”,而影片的初衷也是拍摄这些人们在巴黎地铁卖艺的生活,但片中描述了很多他们在地面上的生活。一方面,因为爆炸袭击事件的发生,巴黎政府严禁在地铁拍摄。同时,“地下世界”的人们也有许多“地上”的故事:他们中的大多数都因为政治原因离乡背井,现在作为非法移民在法国生活。他们居住在巴黎人家里狭小的“保姆房”,或...

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