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Russian Lessons/ / Olga Konskaya

The film starts as a journey by the two directors-protagonists. Olga and Andrei, on the two sides of the frontline during the Russian-Georgian was in August 2008. A film on such a hot political (and geopolitical) subject first of all establishes emotional contact with the audience by depicting human drama, before coming up with political conclusions. They emerge naturally and powerfully as overwhelming evidence of Russian imperialist plot shows through the Russian media smokescreen as well as mi...

Go Get Some Rosemary/ / Ben Safdie

An Interpol agent investigates the shady dealings of an international banking conglomerate. 记录一个父亲的成长史

Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work/ / Ricki Stern

传奇女喜剧家、电视人Joan Rivers生平纪录片

Smash His Camera/ / Leon Gast

史上头号狗仔记者Ron Galella的职业生涯全回顾

The Locksmith/ / Brad Barnes

Mike is a locksmith. He's also a prisoner on work release, but you wouldn't know it. He's just trying to focus on his house calls and reconcile with his ex-girlfriend-until Margo hijacks his day. 麦克是个锁匠,但不为人知的是他同时是个囚犯.麦可试图和自己的前女友同修旧好,却不料被人劫持....

Contracorriente/ / Javier Fuentes-León

一个风景如画的秘鲁渔村里, 渔夫米盖尔与怀孕的妻子玛丽拉维持着相敬相宾的关系, 背地里却有个画家情人圣地亚哥。 后者在一次出海中不幸遇难,灵魂漂至米盖尔处请求他找到其遗体并举行正式葬礼, 然而这意味着米盖尔的身份即将被揭穿, 势必在思想保守的渔村里掀起轩然大波,使其面临着两难选择... ...

Waste Land/ / Lucy Walker 

An uplifting feature documentary highlighting the transformative power of art and the beauty of the human spirit. Top-selling contemporary artist Vik Muniz takes us on an emotional journey from Jardim Gramacho, the world's largest landfill on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, to the heights of international art stardom. Vik collaborates with the brilliant catadores, pickers of recyclable materials, true Shakespearean characters who live and work in the garbage quoting Machiavelli and showing us h...

Waiting for Superman/超人,你在哪里? / Davis Guggenheim


Animal kingdom/ / David Michôd 


Det røde kapel/“红教堂”朝鲜之旅 / Mads Brügger

 A journalist with no scruples and a pair of Danish comedians travel to North Korea with a mission to use humour to uncover the truth behind one of the world's most notorious regimes   On the pretext of being a small Danish theatre troupe on a cultural exchange, the filmmaker was granted permission by the North Korean government to stage a performance for a select audience in the capital. In reality, the troupe was comprised of an unscrupulous journalist, Mads Brugger, and two Danish/Ko...

Restrepo/ / Tim Hetherington

A year with one platoon in the deadliest valley in Afghanistan.   获得圣丹斯电影节评委会纪录片大奖的《雷斯特雷波》由《完美风暴》(The Perfect Storm)作者、记者Sebastian Junger和摄影师Tim Hetherington共同完成,他们为了拍摄这部影片从2008年开始,专门跟踪了美军一个野战排整整一年时间,记录下他们在阿富汗执行任务和生活的片断。片名“雷斯特雷波”是他们一个牺牲战友的名字,他们用其命名自己的哨所以示纪念。

Winter's bone/ / Debra Granik

密苏里州西北部奥萨克地区17岁的少女芮(詹妮弗·劳伦斯 Jennifer Lawrence 饰)独自照看生病的母亲、12岁的弟弟和6岁的妹妹。芮的父亲屡次因制毒成为警察追捕的目标,这次也不例外,数月潜逃未归。眼看出庭日近,芮得知若父亲不出现,作为抵押,全家居住的老屋就要被法院收走。芮决定寻找父亲的下落,哪怕这意味着她必须接触她那些靠制毒贩毒为生的危险远房亲戚。芮最先求助于叔叔“泪滴”(约翰·哈克斯 John Hawkes 饰),却被赶了出来;她又去找远亲茉莱(德尔·迪克 Dale Dickey 饰),还是被无情驱逐。眼看上庭日迫在眉睫,芮也顾不得...

CASINO JACK and the United States of money/ / Alex Gibney

This portrait of Washington super lobbyist Jack Abramoff—from his early years as a gung-ho member of the GOP political machine to his final reckoning as a disgraced, imprisoned pariah—confirms the adage that truth is indeed stranger than fiction. A tale of international intrigue with Indian casinos, Russian spies, Chinese sweatshops, and a mob-style killing in Miami, this is the story of the way money corrupts our political process.   Oscar-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney returns to Sundance, ...

Bhutto/ / Duane Baughman

As the first woman to lead an Islamic nation, former pakistani president Benazir Bhutto's life story unfolkds like a tale of shakespearean dimensions.Educated at harvard and oxford,Bhutto evolved from pampered princess to polarizing politician battling tradition and terrorism in the most dangerous country on earth .her father, the first democratically elected president of pakistan,chose Benazir over his eldest son to carry his political mantle. 布托女士曾两次担任巴基斯坦总理。是西方世界政府官员...

12th and Delaware/ / Rachel Grady

On an unassuming corner in Fort Pierce,Florida,it's easy to miss the insideious war that's raging.but on each side of 12th and delaware,soldiers stand locked in a passionate clinic. On the other,a pro-life outfit often mistaken for the clinic it seeks to shut down. 在美国角落里的以意料不到的方式上演的堕胎事故。

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