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花甲少年/一个老人的国庆日 / 刀光子


Sleepwalking/失控旅程 / Bill Maher

有的人,注定要从孩子的身上寻找到生命的责任与方向。由于男朋友被拘留,乔琳·里德被赶出了家门......现在她迫切需要一个能够挡风遮雨的地方,好安置自己和11岁的小女儿泰拉。乔琳找到许久未曾联系过的弟弟詹姆斯,他没有任何怀疑就让她们搬进了自己租住的公寓中。   然而没过多久,乔琳就和另一个男人私奔了,她留下了泰拉,让毫无准备的詹姆斯独立抚养着这个正在经历着青春期的小女孩。虽然詹姆斯竭尽所能地想让泰拉生活得快乐,摆脱母亲不辞而别的阴影,然而事情的发展很快就脱离了他的控制范围:他不但丢了工作,还连累泰拉被送进收...

Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire/天生不是宝贝 / Lee Daniels

A fine film. An American urban working class drama, it manages to steer clear of almost every possible idiomatic pothole created by predecessors charging blithely down the same street. It seems real - only the controlled framing tells you that it's not a documentary to begin with - it's often funny, and has wonderfully placed surreal day-dream sequences (I wasn't a fan of these per se, but I liked how they were used). The Dangerous Minds/Freedom Writers school of contrived classroom turnaround i...

The New Tenants/ / Joachim Back

三个新搬进公寓的人发现他们的公寓有着可怕的过去,结果引出一段既可笑又可怕还有些浪漫的故事。本片导演去年的真人短片《猪》(The Pig)曾获得奥斯卡提名。   A prying neighbor, a glassy-eyed drug dealer, and a husband brandishing both a weapon and a vendetta make up the welcome wagon. Set amidst the as-yet-unopened boxes and the hopes for a fresh start of two men on what might just be the worst moving day ever. Their new apartment reveals its terrifying history in a film that is by turns funny, fright...

Facing Ali/ / Pete McCormack

拳击手是一种需要力量、耐力和速度的职业,喜欢拳击的人往往都崇尚拳击比赛时带来的暴力和刺激。对于小男孩卡修斯·克莱来说,最初拳击也可能只是生存和获得荣誉的手段。在纪录片《面对阿里》中,这个后来更名为阿里的男人告诉了我们,拳击是一种追求平等、永不停歇的精神。 I have seen a lot of material regarding Muhammad Ali. Movies, clips from his greatest fights, documentaries, interviews and many, many more. This is what I was expecting when I sat down to watch 'Facing Ali'. Another documentary concerning this e...

Under Our Skin/Garbage Dreams / Mai Iskander

Garbage Dreams had its World Premiere at the SXSW Film Festival in Austin, TX, where it was very well received. This is a remarkable documentary that brings to light the manner in which an entire class of people – known as the Zabbaleen - has been virtually enslaved in the dangerous trash trade of Cairo for generations. Without a municipal system of garbage collection Cairo has relied on this class of people – mostly Coptic Christians – to collect and recycle the massive amounts of trash prod...

Under Our Skin/ / Andy Abrahams Wilson

I am one of the several patients that was misdiagnosed and was basically told I was crazy. Thank God for my physician that I met 1 year after all the symptoms started knew enough to say "has anyone ever tested you for Lyme Disease". I was 14 years old when i was diagnosed and I am now 31. I live everyday with some type of pain or aliment. Every doctor that goes through medical school now and who is currently practicing should see this video. It may help them to better understand what we "Lyme Pa...

El secreto de sus ojos/The Secret In Their Eyes / Juan José Campanella

已经25年了,那次罪案的情景仍深深的印在 Benjamín Espósito 的脑海中。现在,已经长大的他决定对其重新展开调查,重拾逝去的爱情、死亡和友谊。但是,当重温上千次的记忆再被唤醒的时候,这些会改变他对过去的观点吗? 抑或他们将重新改写他的将来?   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   本杰明·艾斯玻希多(里卡杜·达林 Ricardo Darín 饰)是一名退休的检察官,几十年的司法工作经验让他积攒下诸多素材,而多年前一起奸...

透析/Judge  / 刘杰

刘杰导演透露电影《透析》的故事是真实发生的,曾经还提送到美国议会,作为中国人权进步的佐证。虽然电影是一个很好莱坞的题材,具有大量戏剧化元素,拥有死刑犯、垂死病人、丧子法官这个都很有故事的任务。但是刘杰撇除了电影拥有的商业潜质,用自己的风格来借故事表现中国十几年来社会和人的变迁。 故事发生在一九九七年,中国的一个北方小城。邱武因为偷窃两辆汽车被一审判处死刑,这个案件的主审法官,田法官的女儿刚刚在一起车祸中丧生,而肇事车辆是一辆被盗的汽车。国家的法律改革为邱武创造了一个免除死刑的机会…… 同时,...

El Brindis/ / Shai Agosin

Well, watched this movie with my wife (she's from Chile), but although the camera work was nice, the story wasn't convincing. Daughter visiting dad who's doing his bar mitswa, she with relational problems, the rabbi with relational problems, well it just wasn't running on the right tracks... The shots of Valparaiso are very nice, better then in real life! Also the friction between the rabbi, who wants to leave for Santiago de Chile, and the community leader isn't worked out in depth, just a me...

El Cielo, la Tierra y la Lluvia/ / José Luis Torres Leiva

This film is a futile exercise. I often wondered what it would be like to track a woman repeatedly while she is walking. I have my answer. It does not have the ethereal qualities of a masterful director at the helm like Tarkovsky to sustain such tiresome activities and inject life into the mundane. The film fails to forge an identity as a result of this. Most seems random and is deliberately slow to put the viewer into a reflective daze but this could have been equally achieved by turning the l...

Dawson/ / Miguel Littin

根据Sergio Bitar的小说改编,电影展现了被颠覆的总统萨尔瓦多.阿连德在智利南部的道森岛集中营与其部长们及合作者停留期间的故事.

教堂/My Father’s House / 赵大勇

在这里,不管他们是非洲人还是中国人,都是加入到寻找自己的家的斗争中自由地生活并遵循自己的信仰。 教堂通过尼日利亚传教士丹尼尔·迈克尔·恩耶里贝(Daniel Michael Enyeribe)1997年创建的一座地下教堂的故事,探索中国蓬勃发展的非洲社区。在与广州地方当局的一系列冲突后,教会的成员逐渐增多,牧师丹尼尔被拒绝居住在中国,被迫躲避在附近的香港。 丹尼尔牧师继续远程操作他的广州教堂,但在中国的日常工作是由伊格纳修斯乌瓦牧师和他的中国妻子小易承担。由于来自政府的压力持续存在,他们努力维持家庭和教会的团结。 看到越来越多...

寻欢作乐/The High Life / 赵大勇

「我戴著避孕套寫作……」看守所民警原來是詩人,用下流詩歌釋放心靈,並讓犯人朗讀他的作品,在囚室尋覓知音。 另一邊廂,騙子訛稱可替人找工作,從中騙取介紹費,女友央他一起遠走,他卻情傾髮廊少女,以為發財便能解憂,在官黑勾結的南方城市,內心唯一淨土是披上戲服練習造手的時刻。 趙大勇由紀錄片邁向劇情片創作,請來「垃圾派」詩人典裘沽酒(沈紹裘)粉墨登場演回自己,藉兩個男人的廣州故事,展示敗壞年代的困惑與抵抗。 Ming, who lives in a crowded urban village slum in Guangzhou, has no goals or ambitions. He scrapes...

财富之道/Way of Fortune / 张钊维

近二十年来,或者是中国大陆的「黑猫白猫论」,或者是亚洲四小龙的「爱拼才会赢」,构成了以英美为首的全球化架构底下,华人透过出口与代工贸易进行财富增长的主要心理动力。 造成今天华人经济发展的,是来自一个比较不被仔细讨论的脉络。千年以来,福建与广州海商早就跟全球市场接轨,他们发挥创意精神,以灵活多变的姿态跟世界不同文明背景的商人往来,以中介者的角色,成为古代世界全球化贸易的要角。。他们拥有虔诚的海神信仰:凡是在妈祖庙所在的地方,就会是历史上的通商口岸、殖民地首府、租界,乃至当代的加工出口区、特区。 这...

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