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在影片中搜索: 放映组织[]

Jack Goes Boating/ / Philip Seymour Hoffman

A limo driver's blind date sparks a tale of love, betrayal, friendship, and grace centered around two working-class New York City couples. 一个围绕着两对纽约夫妻的,有关于爱,背叛,友情的浪漫传奇.

The Six Dollar Fifty Man/ / Mark Albiston

Set in a 1970s coastal town, follow Andy, a gutsy 8 year-old boy who is forced to break out of his make-believe superhero world to deal with playground bullies. 一个要打破自己超人的幻想世界的现实奇遇.

The Man Next Door/ / Mariano Cohn

Leonardo, a successful industrial designer, lives with his family in an architectural wonder, a midcentury Le Corbusier home. One morning, he wakes to an irksome noise and is appalled to discover that workmen next door are constructing a large window that faces directly into his home. Leonardo protests, using a number of excuses (privacy, building codes, his wife), in an attempt to coerce his neighbor, Victor, into scrapping his plan. But Victor just wants a patch of sun to catch some rays. Thus...

A Film Unfinished/ / Yael Hersonski

Yael Hersonski's powerful documentary achieves a remarkable feat through its penetrating look at another film-the now-infamous Nazi-produced film about the Warsaw Ghetto. Discovered after the war, the unfinished work, with no soundtrack, quickly became a resource for historians seeking an authentic record, despite its elaborate propagandistic construction. The later discovery of a long-missing reel complicated earlier readings, showing the manipulations of camera crews in these "everyday" scenes...

Zona Sur/Southern Zone / Juan Carlos Valdivia 


The Company Men/ / John Wells

凯文·科斯特纳(Kevin Costner)和汤米·李·琼斯(Tommy Lee Jones)将加盟一部反映金融危机大潮下、企业员工失业的独立电影《公司的人》(The Company Men)。此前,本·阿弗莱克(Ben Affleck)已经确定主演该片。   本·阿弗莱克扮演的是一个公司里曾经很红的能人,但随着金融危机的蔓延,他也遭到了裁员,工作丢掉以后,他的10万年薪和保时捷爱车全部化为乌有。凯文·科斯特纳扮演他的姐夫,在建筑业小有成就的他给本找了份建筑工人的工作。汤米·李·琼斯的角色是阿弗莱克离开的那家公司的高级合伙人,面对自己同伴们的贪婪,他依然坚持...

Cyrus/ / Jay Duplass

约翰(约翰•C•赖利 饰)是个独孤、沮丧的中年人,尤其得知了前妻(凯瑟琳•基纳 饰)即将再婚之后。但好运就在此时砸在了他头上,一次聚会上,他遇到了他梦中的女神莫莉(玛丽莎•托梅),他们迅速陷入热恋。但好景不长,莫莉21岁大的儿子塞勒斯出现了。原本亲密的母子关系里,能否留个空儿给约翰?捉摸不透而又尖酸刻薄的塞勒斯能否接受这个现实?奇怪的三角关系摇摆不定,一会是赤裸裸的坦诚,一会又是偷偷的操控,而一切都取决于莫莉能否放手,不管是痛苦还是欢乐都要看看个中界限究竟在哪?

GasLand/ / Josh Fox

It is happening all across America-rural landowners wake up one day to find a lucrative offer from an energy company wanting to lease their property... 能源公司征租美国农村土地所有权。

人有三急/No Rest For Restrooms / 朱佳梦


Young Love/ / Ariel Kleiman

Young Erno struggles to jog. He clutches his stomach with his right hand and winces with pain as he hobbles through a deserted farmland. 青年ERNO每日坚持在痛苦中慢跑过一座荒凉的农场。

Püha Tõnu kiusamine/ / Veiko Õunpuu

The most stupendous and bone chilling tragedy about the agony and decline of one middle-level manager.   Tony develops an aversion to gushing claims of his goodness and the issue starts to haunt him. Is he good? Why should one be good? Whom would it benefit? While Tony thinks and thinks, he is forced to fire one thousand employees under his command, to be a witness to his wife's betrayal, to bury his grandfather and finally to find 12 pairs of human hands from the underbrush

Son of Babylon/ / Mohamed Al Daradji

A willful young boy follows his just as obstinate grandmother in a journey across Iraq, determined to discover the fate of her missing son, Ahmed's father, who never returned from war. 一个固执的老太太带着自己的小孙子行走于探询自己未回家的儿子的伊拉克之旅。

Nuummioq/ / Torben Bech

After being diagnosed with a terminal illness, Malik joins his best friend on his last boat trip into the fjord. Malik is a 35 year old carpenter living in Nuuk. Things are starting to look bright in Malik's life, when he's diagnosed with terminal cancer and faces a difficult decision: Leaving his hometown to recieve medical care that would perhaps prolong his life - or stay in Nuuk with family and friends and die within a few months. Malik and his childhood friend Mikael decide to go on a the l...

All That I Love/ / Jacek Borcuch

Follows four friends in their quest to form a punk band. As workers protests sweep across the country... 四个志同道合的朋友正组建一支摇滚乐队。工人们抗议的声响也涌满了街尾巷港。

Stringbean and Marcus/ / Tanya Hamilton

In 1976, complex political and emotional forces are set in motion when a young man returns to the race-torn Philadelphia neighborhood where he came of age during the Black Power movement. 讲述了一个关于黑人复杂的种族与情感迫力的故事。

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