
FANHALL ID: im13795
姓名: | 罗丽梅 |
性别: | 女 |
生日: | 2010-01-01 |
影人概述: . . . . . .
罗丽梅 毕业于云南省红河学院
作品名称 创作时间
《云南少数民族歌舞系列》 2003年
《香格里拉》 2004年
《穿越独龙江》 2005年
《消失的地平线》(汶川地震灾区家园重建) 2008年开始(未结束拍摄)
《蓝靛厂》 2007年8月——2009年3月
Limei Luo,From Yun Nan Province, born in 1977, graduated from Hong He College in Yun Nan Province in 2000, major in Chinese Literature.August 2000 ― end of 2005, worked as a director in Satellite TV Station of Yun Nan Province, during these years, finished filming and producing documentary films independently, ,etc. Beginning of 2006―August 2007, worked as a director in P.E. AND PEOPLE of CCTV5, and took charge of directing part of the OLYMPIC DOC, an important series of Olympic TV programmes.Since October 2007, left CCTV, worked independently and has produced two documentaries: (focus on rehabilitating refugee’s homeland after WenChuan Earthquake in SiChuan Province in 2008) (focus on the lives of the disabled,finished in 2009).
作品名称 创作时间
《云南少数民族歌舞系列》 2003年
《香格里拉》 2004年
《穿越独龙江》 2005年
《消失的地平线》(汶川地震灾区家园重建) 2008年开始(未结束拍摄)
《蓝靛厂》 2007年8月——2009年3月
Limei Luo,From Yun Nan Province, born in 1977, graduated from Hong He College in Yun Nan Province in 2000, major in Chinese Literature.August 2000 ― end of 2005, worked as a director in Satellite TV Station of Yun Nan Province, during these years, finished filming and producing documentary films independently,
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