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FANHALL ID: im12004
姓名: 刘城达/劉城達
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .

刘城达第一部电影, "口袋里的花", 在第10届法国杜维尔亚洲电影节里赢得了评委会奖。这也是这部电影的第五个奖项。

刘城达出生于1979年9月30日。他出生在一个不怎么出名,叫作增江的地区。制造拥有黑色幽默的电影,是他闻名的原因。他的电影除了搞笑、荒谬与荒唐之外,其实也有它感动的一面。自从他的第一部短片在Malaysian Film Club里的Malaysia Shorts series中播出后,他就从来没有在观众奖中落选过。

他的第一部短片"草莓面包"受到很多的瞩目。这部短片也在第八届电影录像节里赢得了最佳短片。之后,他也凭着短片"Not Cool"和"Flower",横扫短片类几乎所有重要的奖项。

Bio-filmography of Director:
Liew Seng Tat's first feature film "Flower in the Pocket" had just won its fifth award, Jury prize (Lotus du Jury) in 10th Deauville Asian Film Festival, France.

Liew Seng Tat was born on 30th September 1979, in a rather notorious area called Jinjang. He is known for making dark comedy - hilarious, ridiculous, absurd and yet touching. Since his first short film was shown in the Malaysian Shorts series in the Malaysian Film Club, he had never failed to win the audience award.

He get a lot of attention with his first short film "Bread skin with strawberry Jam". The film won Best Short Film in the 8th MVA, and in the following year, he win almost all the top prizes for short films categories, with his "Not Cool" and "Flower".

FLOWER IN THE POCKET is his first feature length film.

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刘城达导演的影片 . . . . . .

刘城达编剧的影片 . . . . . .

刘城达制片的影片 . . . . . .

刘城达剪辑的影片 . . . . . .

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