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FANHALL ID: if03066
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片名: 我的失败作
其它片名: 我的失敗作/All My Failed Attempts
导演: 陈翠梅
编剧: 陈翠梅
制片人: Poon Fong Mun, Allie Chan, 刘城达
摄影: Von Felix
美术: Slyvia Ong
声音: Chan Yen Yen
剪辑: Selvan Ramsamy
主演: Pete Teo, Foo Fei Ling, Deepak Kumaran Menon
音乐: Ng Chor Guan
片长: 26分钟
年份: 2008年
国别: 马来西亚
语言: 国语

影片概述 . . . . . .


Tan Chui Mui is known for her successful first feature film Love Conquers All, and many forgot that she is a very productive short filmmaker, who had won big prizes in two prestigious short film festival in the world: Principal Prize in Oberhausen Short Film Festival with A Tree in Tanjung Malim ( 2005), and Grand Prix in Clermont-Ferrand Short film Festival with Everyday Everyday (2009).
In 2008, while developing her second feature films, she had this project of making a short film every month. She had only managed to make 7 short films, and she called them All My failed attempts.

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获得奖项 . . . . . .

38th International Film Festival Rotterdam (World Premiere)
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tzh100   2009-09-07 12:52:50   0回应

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