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Jean-Baptiste Errca

FANHALL ID: im10356
姓名: Jean-Baptiste Errca/让•巴蒂斯特•爱利加
性别: 不详
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .

他编导的第一部电影短片Bright Spell (L' Embellie)于2001年在Pantin电影节获奖并入选参加其他电影节。作为现代舞导演,他曾与舞蹈编导Luigia Riva及其所在的Compagnie Inbilico舞蹈团在Pantin国立舞蹈中心合作过。
他曾于Alain Burosse等人合作,并深受其影像观和美学观的影响。
他的纪录片包括《创世纪2》(Genesis 2)和《人创造了动物》(And man created animal)。2006年曾获第一届巴黎高清晰度电影节最佳纪录片奖。

Bio-filmography of Director:
DIRECTOR, Born in New York, August 17th, 1962, French Nationality
Documentary, cinema, music video, TV design, contemporary dance, advertising... as a Director I have worked in all these fields.
After having written and directed my first short film, "Bright Spell" (L' Embellie), which was awarded a prize in 2001 at the Festival de Pantin, and was selected in numerous other festivals, I entered into the world of contemporary dance, working on a number of shows andperformances with choreographer Luigia Riva and her "Compagnie Inbilico" at the "Centre national de la danse" (Pantin).
I have been lucky to have the opportunity to work with unusually talented people such as Alain Burosse (Oeil du Cyclone, Nuit Gay etc...), who have encouraged and allowed me to look deeper into the notion of image, and always link aesthetics to solid groundwork.
My love for nature brought me to direct documentaries, international co-productions like "Genesis 2" or "And man created animal", recently awarded Best Documentary at the 1st Paris HD film Festival (2006).

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