Cowboy forever
片名: | Cowboy forever |
其它片名: | 永远的牛仔 |
导演: | Jean-Baptiste Errca |
编剧: | Jean-Baptiste Errca |
摄影: | Jean-Baptiste Errca |
声音: | Maxime Errca |
剪辑: | Carlos GIL SILVEIRA |
音乐: | Nicolas HAAS |
片长: | 26分钟 |
年份: | 2006年 |
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国别: | 巴西 |
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制作机构: | Acis Productions |
影片概述 . . . . . .
导演Jean-Baptiste Errca用色彩明快的镜头带我们来到风景壮丽的Matto Gross do Sul,去体验以自己独特方式出柜的同性恋牛仔GOVINDA和异性恋牛仔JOHN之间的友谊与宽容。
COWBOY FOREVER is a fiction short film, inspired by the respectful vision of a French director on the situation of gays in the land of the Brazilian Gauchos.
Jean-Baptiste Errca takes us through a journey in the amazing wonders of the magical Matto Gross do Sul, and has us witness, through beautiful shots, a simple story of friendship and tolerance between JOHN, an heterosexual cowboy, and GOVINDA, a gay cowboy coming out of the closet in his own way.
The film invites us to discover with respect the ageless traditions of the cowboys.
It also gives us the opportunity of meeting the simple and dynamic people from the gay community of the area: simple gay people, cow-girls and drag kings, transvestite.
“COWBOY FOREVER” is a tribute to one the specificities of the Brazilian people: open mind and tolerance…
导演Jean-Baptiste Errca用色彩明快的镜头带我们来到风景壮丽的Matto Gross do Sul,去体验以自己独特方式出柜的同性恋牛仔GOVINDA和异性恋牛仔JOHN之间的友谊与宽容。
COWBOY FOREVER is a fiction short film, inspired by the respectful vision of a French director on the situation of gays in the land of the Brazilian Gauchos.
Jean-Baptiste Errca takes us through a journey in the amazing wonders of the magical Matto Gross do Sul, and has us witness, through beautiful shots, a simple story of friendship and tolerance between JOHN, an heterosexual cowboy, and GOVINDA, a gay cowboy coming out of the closet in his own way.
The film invites us to discover with respect the ageless traditions of the cowboys.
It also gives us the opportunity of meeting the simple and dynamic people from the gay community of the area: simple gay people, cow-girls and drag kings, transvestite.
“COWBOY FOREVER” is a tribute to one the specificities of the Brazilian people: open mind and tolerance…
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