
FANHALL ID: im10245
姓名: | 罗子涵 |
性别: | 男 |
生日: | 不详 |
影人概述: . . . . . .
该影片最显著的成就是为罗子涵摘取了第23届都灵同志电影节"Nuovo Sguardi"大奖,评委称之"反应了同性恋电影的进程"。
罗子涵自编自导并与台湾演员杨贵媚及泰国男星阿南达•爱华灵咸(Ananda Everingham )联袂出演的影片《快乐工厂》(Pleasure Factory ),由泰籍华裔导演吕翼谋(Ekachai Uekrongtham)指导,获戛纳电影节"一种关注"竞赛单元的国际奖项。
近年来罗子涵开始涉足舞台剧,为The Necessary Stage (TNS)出品的《冻结的天使》(Frozen Angels )担纲多媒体设计,这项后来倍受争议的多媒体设计于2009年1月作为最主要的制作之一被重新搬上M1新加坡艺穗节。
罗子涵参与制作了《肥胖女孩》(Gemuk Girls,TNS出品的一部系列剧)、《往昔爱惜》(Past Caring,一个新加坡和澳大利亚联合制作的舞台剧)的多媒体部分。他在《肥胖女孩》中的设计为他赢得了第9届Life! Theatre Awards中最佳多媒体设计奖的提名,该剧也同时获得"年度最佳制作"奖。
罗子涵也热心于舞蹈和舞台表演,并和新加坡的现代舞蹈艺术家合作录制了一些舞蹈及表演作品。近期作品是他和著名的新加坡舞蹈指导及表演艺术家Ming Poon和Daniel K合作演绎的一部实验舞蹈片《377》。
- 《单》(Solos,2007)实验电影长片
- 《解剖》(Autopsy ,2007)记录短片
- 《377》(2007)实验舞蹈片
- 《胚胎》(Embryo,2006)实验电影短片
- 《无题》(Untitled,2006)电影短片
Bio-filmography of Director:
Loo Zihan
Nationality: Singaporean
Touted to be one of Singapore's boldest filmmakers, Zihan is completing his BFA in Digital Filmmaking at the Nanyang Technological University's School of Art Design and Media.
Zihan wrote, co-directed, co-edited and starred in his debut feature film Solos (2007), which premiered at the 12th Pusan International Film Festival, and is the first Singaporean film to be selected for the prestigious AFI (American Film Institute) Fest in Los Angeles.
Solos hit the international headlines when it was pulled from its debut screening in the 20th Singapore International Film Festival due to its explicit depiction of homosexual sex. It has gone on to make the rounds of the international film festival circuit and has been screened at festivals in various cities including Hong Kong, Copenhagen, Madrid, Sydney and London.
Most notably, Solos picked up the 'Nuovo Sguardi' Award in the 23rd Turino Gay and Lesbian Festival, which is awarded by the Jury to the film which "reflects the evolution of queer cinema".
Besides writing and directing, Zihan has also acted alongside acclaimed Taiwanese actress Yang Kuei Mei and Thai heartthrob Ananda Everingham in Pleasure Factory as one of the main leads, directed by Thai-Singaporean director Ekachai Uekrongtham. The film had its world premiere in the Un Certain Regard section of the 2007 Cannes Film Festival.
Zihan has also ventured into the theatre scene in recent years, designing multimedia for Frozen Angels by The Necessary Stage (TNS). The critically acclaimed multimedia collaboration was restaged in January 2009 as one of the anchor productions for the M1 Singapore Fringe Festival.
Zihan also worked on multimedia for Gemuk Girls, a TNS main season play and Past Carin', a Singapore - Australian theatre production. His design for Gemuk Girls won him a nomination for "Best Multimedia Design" at the 9th Life! Theatre Awards, where the production was awarded the "Production of the Year" award.
An avid dancer and performer, Zihan collaborated on several video pieces with Singaporean contemporary dancers. Most recently, he worked on a video piece 377 with leading Singaporean choreographers and performers Ming Poon and daniel k.
- Solos (2007) Experimental Feature Film
- Autopsy (2007) Short Documentary
- 377 (2007) Experimental Dance Film
- Embryo (2006) Experimental Short Film
- Untitled (2006) Short Film
该影片最显著的成就是为罗子涵摘取了第23届都灵同志电影节"Nuovo Sguardi"大奖,评委称之"反应了同性恋电影的进程"。
罗子涵自编自导并与台湾演员杨贵媚及泰国男星阿南达•爱华灵咸(Ananda Everingham )联袂出演的影片《快乐工厂》(Pleasure Factory ),由泰籍华裔导演吕翼谋(Ekachai Uekrongtham)指导,获戛纳电影节"一种关注"竞赛单元的国际奖项。
近年来罗子涵开始涉足舞台剧,为The Necessary Stage (TNS)出品的《冻结的天使》(Frozen Angels )担纲多媒体设计,这项后来倍受争议的多媒体设计于2009年1月作为最主要的制作之一被重新搬上M1新加坡艺穗节。
罗子涵参与制作了《肥胖女孩》(Gemuk Girls,TNS出品的一部系列剧)、《往昔爱惜》(Past Caring,一个新加坡和澳大利亚联合制作的舞台剧)的多媒体部分。他在《肥胖女孩》中的设计为他赢得了第9届Life! Theatre Awards中最佳多媒体设计奖的提名,该剧也同时获得"年度最佳制作"奖。
罗子涵也热心于舞蹈和舞台表演,并和新加坡的现代舞蹈艺术家合作录制了一些舞蹈及表演作品。近期作品是他和著名的新加坡舞蹈指导及表演艺术家Ming Poon和Daniel K合作演绎的一部实验舞蹈片《377》。
- 《单》(Solos,2007)实验电影长片
- 《解剖》(Autopsy ,2007)记录短片
- 《377》(2007)实验舞蹈片
- 《胚胎》(Embryo,2006)实验电影短片
- 《无题》(Untitled,2006)电影短片
Bio-filmography of Director:
Loo Zihan
Nationality: Singaporean
Touted to be one of Singapore's boldest filmmakers, Zihan is completing his BFA in Digital Filmmaking at the Nanyang Technological University's School of Art Design and Media.
Zihan wrote, co-directed, co-edited and starred in his debut feature film Solos (2007), which premiered at the 12th Pusan International Film Festival, and is the first Singaporean film to be selected for the prestigious AFI (American Film Institute) Fest in Los Angeles.
Solos hit the international headlines when it was pulled from its debut screening in the 20th Singapore International Film Festival due to its explicit depiction of homosexual sex. It has gone on to make the rounds of the international film festival circuit and has been screened at festivals in various cities including Hong Kong, Copenhagen, Madrid, Sydney and London.
Most notably, Solos picked up the 'Nuovo Sguardi' Award in the 23rd Turino Gay and Lesbian Festival, which is awarded by the Jury to the film which "reflects the evolution of queer cinema".
Besides writing and directing, Zihan has also acted alongside acclaimed Taiwanese actress Yang Kuei Mei and Thai heartthrob Ananda Everingham in Pleasure Factory as one of the main leads, directed by Thai-Singaporean director Ekachai Uekrongtham. The film had its world premiere in the Un Certain Regard section of the 2007 Cannes Film Festival.
Zihan has also ventured into the theatre scene in recent years, designing multimedia for Frozen Angels by The Necessary Stage (TNS). The critically acclaimed multimedia collaboration was restaged in January 2009 as one of the anchor productions for the M1 Singapore Fringe Festival.
Zihan also worked on multimedia for Gemuk Girls, a TNS main season play and Past Carin', a Singapore - Australian theatre production. His design for Gemuk Girls won him a nomination for "Best Multimedia Design" at the 9th Life! Theatre Awards, where the production was awarded the "Production of the Year" award.
An avid dancer and performer, Zihan collaborated on several video pieces with Singaporean contemporary dancers. Most recently, he worked on a video piece 377 with leading Singaporean choreographers and performers Ming Poon and daniel k.
- Solos (2007) Experimental Feature Film
- Autopsy (2007) Short Documentary
- 377 (2007) Experimental Dance Film
- Embryo (2006) Experimental Short Film
- Untitled (2006) Short Film
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