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FANHALL ID: im09074
姓名: 藤原敏史
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .

1970年出生于日本横滨。在东京、巴黎、洛杉矶成长和学习。1995年开始从事影评工作,2002年导演了他的第一部纪录片《独立》。2006年,藤原的第一部剧情片《无家可归》在柏林国际电影节青年论坛首映并获得好评。此外,此片还获得2006年佩扎罗国际电影节CinemAvvenire Prize奖。
《电影就是记录生命》完成于2007年。 2008年,藤原与曾担任过多部土本典昭作品(如《水俣病病患者及其世界》《水俣起义》《水俣病三部曲》 和 《不知火海》 以及小川绅介的《三里冢之夏》)的摄影师大津幸四郎合作完成纪录片《围墙》,该片2008年首映于英国谢菲尔德纪录片电影节。
Fujiwara Toshi
Born in 1970 in Yokohama, grew up and educated in Tokyo, Paris, Los Angeles. After working as a film critic since 1995, directed his first documentary ‘Independence’ in 2002. Fujiwara created a fully improvised fiction feature ‘We Can’t Go Home Again’ which was premiered at the Berlinale 2006, which gained international praises especially from world-wide recognized filmmakers and was awarded the CinemAvvenire Prize in Pesaro 2006. ‘Cinema Is About Documenting Lives,’ a portrait on Noriaki Tsuchimoto whom Fujiwara considers as the greatest documentary filmmaker in world film history, was completed in 2007. In 2008, completed the documentary film ‘Fence’ (premiered at Sheffield Doc/Fest 2008) in collaboration with cinematographer Koshiro Otsu (who is also responsible for several many masterpieces by Tsuchimoto such as, ‘Minamata the victims and their world,’ ‘Minamata Revolt,’ ‘MInamata Disease: A Trilogy” and ‘The Shiranui Sea,’ and Shinsuke Ogawa’s ‘Summer in Narita.’) With Otsu, Fujiwara is currently shooting a contemporary documentary follow-up to Ogawa’s ‘ “Sanridzuka (Narita)” series as well as preparing a fictionalized re-telling of the notorious Tokyo Sarin Gas Attack happening in March 1995.

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