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FANHALL ID: im04856
姓名: 曾翠珊/Jessey Tsang
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .

香港錄像藝術家曾翠珊,2001年畢業於香港演藝學院電影電視系,主修音響設計。 2005年完成香港城市大學創意媒體學院碩士課程。作品總愛從身邊小故事出發,遊走於紀錄與虛構之間。其多個錄像作品曾於意大利、德國、波蘭及英國等地展出。首部劇情短片《寂寞星球》榮獲第十屆香港獨立短片及錄像比賽公開組銀獎。除錄像創作外,她亦愛嘗試不同形式的創作 ,其首個網絡互動作品《蠔涌》獲第十二屆香港獨立短片及錄像比賽單營幕互動媒體組特別表揚獎,為2006年加拿大Image Fesival新媒體藝術節參展作品之一。2007年完成法國文化協會藝術家基金資助的第二部劇情短片《楓丹白露 》。零八年完成首部長片《戀人路上》。

Jessey TSANG Tsui-Shan graduated from the School of Film and TV of the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, majoring in sound design, in 2001 and earned a Master of Fine Arts in Media Design and Technology program from City University of Hong Kong in 2005. She has worked as an arts administrator and cultural organiser at the Hong Kong Arts Centre. After making several personal documentaries and experimental shorts, her first narrative short Lonely Planet won the Silver Award at the Hong Kong Independent Short Film & Video Awards (ifva) in 2004. Her first web work All About My Ho Chung explored new media forms by documenting the village life of her hometown in Sai Kung using video clips in an interactive interface. Her work consistently fuses fictional structures with real people's true stories. She has finished her second narrative short Où est la sortie? in 2007, based on a grant awarded by the Alliance Française in Hong Kong. Just finished her feature Lovers on the Road in 2008.

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