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Transit Circle

FANHALL ID: if06169
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片名: Transit Circle
其它片名: 一隅未知

导演: Stephan Knauss 
制片人: 盛涵琪 
摄影: Stephan Knauss
剪辑: Stephan Knauss, 盛涵琪
主演: 盛涵琪, 王水清, 徐晚, 郑瑛瑛, 徐敏达, 丝茉茉, 高俊
音乐: Mario Schöning
片长: 40分钟
年份: 2019年
类型: 纪录
国别: DE/CN
语言: 中文
格式: 数字

影片概述 . . . . . .

Hanqi和她的朋友们在杭州的郊区游荡。他们漫步在城市混凝土和霓虹闪耀的城市景象里,体验着这个城市时刻进行着的的巨大转型。夜夜在城市里游荡的他们,自身也已融入到了城市的转变当中,成为这一转变的最好展示。而这种转变,若不亲身融入其中,是极难被察觉到或难以完全理解的。因此,Hanqi和她的朋友们瞥见了他们当时身处的环境里,转瞬即逝的美。而这样的环境可能只会让大多数人感到疏离,冰冷或充满敌意。就像 Brian Eno 或 Philip Glass的氛围音乐结构一样,这部电影在极微小的变奏中变换,全然沉浸在它的“夜间节拍”里。空间成为了时间。

这部电影就像一首诗;一部免去一切陈词滥调的coming-of-age类型电影。Stephan Knauss用这部电影证明了他是我们在未来需要密切关注的导演之一。在这部让人极度沉醉的作品中,他对所有元素的处理和组织方式,就是对此无法辩驳的证明。《一隅未知》(Transit Circle)是一部展现天赋和创造性的感官氛围电影。—Giona A. Nazzaro, 瑞士真实电影节(Visions du Réel) 2019

Hanqi and her friends drift through the suburban area of Hangzhou. Strolling through the concrete and neon-lit landscape of the city, they experience the transformations it undergoes daily. As they drift night after night, they become the living interface of a metamorphosis that cannot be perceived or understood if not by becoming part of it. Thus, Hanqi and her friends catch fleeting glimpses of beauty in an environment that most people would only perceive as alienating, hostile or cold. Like an ambient composition by Brian Eno or Philip Glass, the film moves through minimal variations, completely immersed in its nocturnal beat. Space becomes time. A film like a poem; a coming-of-age movie that escapes all the known clichés. Stephan Knauss proves that he is one of the filmmakers to watch closely in the next future. The way he handles and organizes all the elements of his extremely beguiling work are irrefutable proof for it. Transit Circle is a sensorial ambient film that displays flair and creativity.
—Giona A. Nazzaro, Visions du Réel 2019

导演阐述 . . . . . .

I moved as a student to Zhuantang, today a suburban area of Hangzhou, where I met Hanqi Sheng and her friends who introduced me to their city and their life around Zhuantang. I was astounded by the dynamic and the beauty of their utopia and at the same time overwhelmed by its daily transformations, that I wanted to make a film purely about the existence of this transit zone and ourselves in this place. A place that\'s gone, but still there at the same time. So I asked Hanqi Sheng to make this film with me about \"a metamorphosis that cannot be perceived or understood if not by becoming part of it.\"

获得奖项 . . . . . .

第33届法国比亚里茨FIPADOC 国际纪录片电影节

50th Visions du Réel - International Film Festival Nyon (Switzerland)
62nd DOK Leipzig - International Festival for Documentary and Animated Film (Germany)
33rd FIPADOC - Festival International Documentaire Biarritz (France)
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