片名: | 荷尔德林的陶 |
其它片名: | 荷尔德林的陶/Hlderlin’s Pottery |
导演: | 王子元 |
编剧: | 王子元, 张正伟 |
制片人: | 韩子林 |
摄影: | 马子凯 |
美术: | 霍文泽 |
声音: | 潘九艾 |
剪辑: | 张书蘅, 石良 |
主演: | 罗妞, 陈芳, 王彦凯 |
音乐: | 曾小刚 |
片长: | 61分钟 |
年份: | 2011年 |
类型: | 剧情/伦理 |
国别: | 中国 |
语言: | 汉语普通话 |
格式: | 高清数字 |
制作机构: | 大地文化传媒有限公司 |
影片概述 . . . . . .
中年女摄影师陈琳在她的摄影工作室居住了近十年,十年间她从未离开过工作室,一边工作一边写作。十年间,只有年轻的助理芳芳一直陪伴在陈琳身边,跟她居住在这间摄影工作室里,并悉心照顾着陈琳。不久,芳芳喜欢上了男模特小山, 很快便怀有了小山的孩子。当芳芳决定离开陈琳的时候,陈琳终于找到了行走在路上的荷尔德林。
Chenlin, one Middle-aged female photographer, has spent 10 years in her studio. She never left the studio during this ten years, and committed herself to writing as well as working. Chen’s assistant, Fangfang accompanied and took good care of her. Shortly, Fangfang fell in love with Shan and had their baby rapidly. Finally, Chen has found Hlderlin who was in his way while Fangfang leaving her.
Chenlin, one Middle-aged female photographer, has spent 10 years in her studio. She never left the studio during this ten years, and committed herself to writing as well as working. Chen’s assistant, Fangfang accompanied and took good care of her. Shortly, Fangfang fell in love with Shan and had their baby rapidly. Finally, Chen has found Hlderlin who was in his way while Fangfang leaving her.
导演阐述 . . . . . .
《荷尔德林的陶》(Hlderlin’s Pottery)是一部61分钟的中国电影 ,由青年导演王子元执导 。影片的场景限定在一所空房间里 ,全片仅运用28个镜头拍摄完成。《荷尔德林的陶》以三个彼此生活紧密交织的男女为轴,尝试碰触爱与欲望的底线。
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- 荷尔德林的陶 预告片 2011-3-12 23:25,王子元分享
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