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Spasi i sokhrani

FANHALL ID: if05407
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片名: Spasi i sokhrani
其它片名: 包法利夫人/Save and Protect
导演: Aleksandr Sokurov
编剧: Yuri Arabov, Gustave Flaubert
摄影: Sergei Yurizditsky  
剪辑: Leda Semyonova 
主演: Robert Vaap, Cécile Zervudacki
音乐: Yuri Khanin
片长: 128分钟
年份: 1989年
类型: 剧情
国别: 苏联
语言: 俄语
制作机构: Lenfilm Studio

影片概述 . . . . . .

 Inspired by Flaubert’s Madame Bovary, Sokurov’s Save and Protect recalls the most crucial events of Emma’s decline and fall: affairs with the aristocratic Rodolphe and the student Leon, the humiliation that follows her husband’s botching of the operation on the stable boy’s clubfoot. The universality of the theme of eternal struggle between the soul and the flesh is conveyed through the absence of specific reference to time or place: although the film seems to begin in 1840, its surreal mode effortlessly accommodates an automobile and the strains of “When the Saints Go Marching In” on an off-screen radio. Focusing on passion from a woman’s perspective and downplaying plot, Sokurov explores his subject in exquisite detail, capturing not only the heat of passion but also the quiet moments before and after and the innocent sensuousness of the body.

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