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Verano de goliat

FANHALL ID: if05003
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片名: Verano de goliat
导演: Nicolás Pereda
编剧: Nicolás Pereda
制片人: Andrés Castañeda
摄影: Alejandro Coronado 
声音: Alejandro de Icaza
剪辑: Nicolás Pereda  
主演: Gabino Rodríguez, Teresa Sanchez
片长: 78分钟
年份: 2010年
类型: 剧情
国别: 加拿大 / 西班牙
语言: 西班牙语

影片概述 . . . . . .

  Summer of Goliath is a documentary/fiction hybrid that narrates various stories of the people of the town of Huilotepec in rural Mexico. Teresa's husband has disappeared and she believes he has left her for another woman. Gabino, her son, is a soldier who searches cars at the side of a country road, where very few cars pass by. He hopes one day him and Alberto, his soldier partner, will get machine guns to further intimidate the people driving by. Amalio, Nico, and Oscar are three brothers whose stories we learn through a series of interviews and reenactments. Their father left them many years ago, and their mother can barely support them. Oscar has gained the nickname Goliath after the mysterious death of his girlfriend.  


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