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FANHALL ID: if04935
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片名: W starym dworku czyli niepodleglosc trójkatów
其它片名: 古宅幽魂/In an Old Manor House or The Independence of Triangles /
导演: Andrzej Kotkowski
编剧: Andrzej Kotkowski
摄影: Witold Adamek
主演: Grazyna Szapolowska, Beata Tyszkiewicz
音乐: Zbigniew Raj  
片长: 99分钟
年份: 1985年
类型: 剧情
国别: 波兰
语言: 波兰语
制作机构: Zespol Filmowy

影片概述 . . . . . .

  Surreal Grotesque Indeed!
  "In An Old Manor House" is a disturbing, erotic, chilling ghost story with twists and turns, as well as political rebellion. You may need to watch it a few times to fully understand it, but you won't mind for you'll be mesmerized by its psychological and gothic terror and perverse, sensuous love scenes. Beata Tyszkiewicz is so beautiful and hypnotic as the wicked phantom, Anastazja, you want to be seduced by her yourself! Of course some will object to bizarre horror and incestuous themes. I would recommend it to those who enjoy the fiction of Matthew Lewis, V. C. Andrews, or Anne Rice.  

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