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I am not Harry Jenson

FANHALL ID: if03621
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片名: I am not Harry Jenson
其它片名: 我不是哈利•杰森
导演: James Napier
编剧: James Napier
制片人: Tom Hern
摄影: Rhys Duncan
主演: Gareth Reeves, Jinny Lee Story, Marshall Napier, an Mune
片长: 104分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 剧情
国别: 新西兰

影片概述 . . . . . .

邪恶的真实犯罪小说家斯坦利•莫斯被他最新小说的主人公所困惑。主人公哈利•杰森是一个连环命案的杀手,他 觉得自己精神恍惚,于是参加了远足旅行。但旅行团队中死了一个旅行者。杰森双手沾满了鲜血,杀人的经过只有他知道,他要把秘密永远埋在心里,不为人知。
  A grungy true crime novelist, Stanley Merse, has become obsessed with the subject of his latest book; Harry Jenson, a prolific serial killer. Convinced he's losing his mind he goes on a retreat to recover; but instead ends up with a traveler dead, blood on his hands and a secret he now has to try and keep from a lot of other people.

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获得奖项 . . . . . .

  2009 Qantas Films and Television Awards- Best Feature Film (Budget less than 1 Million NZD)
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