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FANHALL ID: if03156
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片名: Kinamand
其它片名: 中国先生/CHINA MAN
导演: Henrik Ruben Genz
编剧: Kim Fupz Aakeson
制片人: Dag Alveberg, 邬君梅
摄影: Sebastian Blenkov
声音: Hugo Ekornes
剪辑: Mette Zeruneith
主演: 邬君梅, Bjarne Henriksen
音乐: Gisle Kverndokk
片长: 88分钟
年份: 2005年
类型: 剧情
国别: 丹麦 中国
语言: 丹麦语
格式: 35mm
制作机构: Fine & Mellow Productions

影片概述 . . . . . .


Keld is a struggling overweight plumber in a rut. His bored, frustrated wife, married to him for 25 years, left him unexpectedly. For sustenance, he eats his way through the menu at the local Chinese takeaway. On one of his nightly visits to a Chinese take-out joint, the owner, Feng, makes him a business proposal that has results far beyond his wildest dreams. The owner talks him into a marriage of convenience with his sister from China and the unplanned-for happens. Enter Ling, a young woman who is not at all comfortable with this "strictly pro-forma" arrangement. Over time, Ling's gentle influence brings Keld into a world of tradition, full of surprising rewards and life-changing affection. A delicate romance blossoms between these two damaged, fragile individuals, but a secret gives their relationship a fateful twist. A subtle and touching story of life's diversity. Vivian Wu, playing Ling in Chinaman, has participated in a part of the Last Emperor when she was twenty years old and went to America after that.

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