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Face au juge

FANHALL ID: if03550
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片名: Face au juge
其它片名: 凹面法官
导演: Pierre-François Sauter
摄影: Pierre-François Sauter, Patrick Tresch
声音: Laurent Barbey, Denis Séchaud
剪辑: Dominique Pâris
音乐: Pierre-Alain Bertholet
片长: 73分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 瑞士
格式: Digital Beta

影片概述 . . . . . .

继起诉和逮捕之后,预审法官开始处理个案。在听取被告在非公开会议发表的控诉,并决定他们的命运时,他直面残酷的社会现实。被告有很多话要告诉他们:情节,意外,暴力,冲突,误解,整体的计划,不良行为在验尸官的办公室里重演,充满着荒唐,可笑和悲惨。一场人间喜剧正上演,浮现在我们眼前。Subsequent to indictments and arrests, the examining magistrate deals with the individual cases. While listening to the accused in closed sessions and deciding their fate, he is directly confronted with brutal social reality. The accused have much to tell about themselves: dramas, accidents, violence, conflicts, misunderstandings, thoroughly calculated schemes and brutal, ill-considered behaviour makes a world come alive in the examiner’s office, appearing at once absurd, ludicrous and tragic. A human comedy is being played out right before our eyes.

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