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Peur(s) du noir

FANHALL ID: if03519
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片名: Peur(s) du noir
其它片名: 暗夜恐惧/怕黑怪谈录
导演: Blutch, Charles Burns, Marie Caillou, Pierre Di Sciullo, Lorenzo Mattotti, Richard McGuire
编剧: Blutch, Charles Burns, Pierre Di Sciullo, Richard McGuire, Jerry Kramski, Michel Pirus, Romain Slocombe
制片人: Genevieve Lemal, Alexandre Lippens, Christophe Jankovic, Valérie Schermann
摄影: Céline Kélépikis
美术: Etienne Robial
声音: Fred Demolder
剪辑: Céline Kélépikis
主演: Gil Alma, Aure Atika, François Creton, Guillaume Depardieu
音乐: Laurent Perez
片长: 85分钟
年份: 2007年
类型: 动画
国别: 法国
语言: 法语
制作机构: Prima Linea Productions

影片概述 . . . . . .

Peur(s) du Noir is essentially 5 short black and white animations interspersed by segments of a woman droning on about her fears, illustrated with interesting animated black and white shapes (I should note, I watched the film in French, and as my French is not perfect, I did not catch everything she said, but got the general impression that she was your typical anxious overachieving yuppie).

The five shorts all used different animation techniques, but were overall pleasingly creepy. There was a cruel aristocrat and his dogs, an Italian village ravaged by a mysterious beast, a budding scientist and his insect specimens, a Japanese girl bullied by classmates/ghosts, and a refugee from a snowstorm shacked up in a Victorian house. This final short was, I thought, the most effective. It was done in pure black and white, and the only light shed in the house (with wonderfully Goreyesque wallpaper) came from a candle the traveller carried with him in his explorations. This allowed for some great reveal moments, and additionally built up the tension extremely well《暗夜恐惧》召集8位艺术家、以黑白简约画风讲述了一个个关于恐惧的故事。故事发生在维多利亚时代,一个笑容邪恶的男人牵着4头恶犬招摇过市,他最大的乐趣就是看着它们将无辜人们撕成碎片;男孩来到沼泽地度过他的暑假,渐渐的他发现他周围的人们一个个消失了;一个日本小姑娘备受噩梦的折磨(颇有伊藤润二的风格);几只诡异而充满魔力的虫子闯入了一个害羞的男孩的生活,从而将他引向噩梦般的旅程(卡夫卡式的臆想混合着大卫·柯南伯格式的视觉风格,让人眩晕)……女人孤独的旁白将这8个故事串起。

经典。。优秀的成人动画惊悚片。。配音配乐相当了得。。黑白灰的画面细节太精致了~~ 法国动画片 暗夜恐惧 怕黑怪谈录

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