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The Black Hole

FANHALL ID: if03516
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片名: The Black Hole
其它片名: 黑洞
导演: Philip Sansom, Olly Williams
编剧: Philip Sansom, Olly Williams
制片人: Claire Neate-James, Ben Sullivan
摄影: Will Bex
剪辑: Philip Sansom
主演: Napoleon Ryan
片长: 3分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 短片
国别: 英国
语言: 英语
格式: 35 mm
制作机构: HSI Films

影片概述 . . . . . .

While working after hours copying documents, the bored clerk kicks and punches the buttons of the photocopy machine when it jams. The photocopier releases a piece of paper with a black circle in the center, and when the clerk puts his cup of coffee on the spot, he discovers that it is indeed a black hole. The clerk uses the black hole to get a chocolate bar from a vending machine. Then the greedy employee decides to use the black hole to open the door of a room with a safe and steal the money from inside. However, he does not reach the wads of notes on the bottom and enters in the safe to take all the money out with tragic consequences.

"The Black Hole" is a short and deep tale of greed of human nature. It is impressive how the writers and directors Philip Sansom and Olly Williams were able to make a short of less than 3 minutes running time without any line and succeed in transmitting one of the seven deadly sins ( "Avaritia") so perfectly and with right dose of humor. My vote is nine.
这支由拍摄音乐录影带和商业广告出身的加拿大Philip Sansom和Olly Williams合作的短片《黑洞(The Black Hole)》,讲述了一个周末在公司加班的小职员,无意中打印出了一个黑洞,只要把这张印有黑洞的纸放在物体表面上,他就能穿越而过,但这对他来说是件好事么?


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 戛纳短片电影节(Cannes Short Film Corner)
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