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The Ghost Writer

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片名: The Ghost Writer
其它片名: 影子写手/代笔作家
导演: Roman Polanski
编剧: Robert Harris
制片人: Robert Benmussa
摄影: Pawel Edelman
美术: Steve Summersgill
声音: Yohann Bernard
剪辑: Hervé de Luze
主演: Ewan McGregor, Jon Bernthal, Kim Cattrall
音乐: Alexandre Desplat
片长: 128分钟
年份: 2010年
类型: 剧情
国别: 法国 / 德国 / 英国
语言: 英语
制作机构: RP Films

影片概述 . . . . . .

Some stories are built on passion, some on courage and some on hope. Very rarely do you come across a love story that encompasses itself around a journey. The Ghost Writer introduces us to the world of Pierce Brosnan, who mirrors the most innocent of sentiments which lie locked up within the depths of our heart. He wins us over in the first frame, because he is one among us. It is not his heroism which makes him surreal, but his vulnerability which makes him endear-able. The audience falls in love with Pierce Brosnan because he is scared of the unknown just like us. What makes him a hero is his conviction and spirit, which makes him embark on a nationwide journey for the search of love and faith. It is somewhere in that journey, that you no longer root for Brosnan and his victory, but for Adam Lang and his belief, which makes The Ghost Writer a winner right from the opening credits.

His name is Lang, Adam Lang. Brought up in an unforgiving society, Lang battles the alternate evils of racial profile and scornful peers with equal focus, trying to make sense of the world that burns homes, bullies people at school and make a false show of sympathy. He goes by the doctrine of his Ammi, who teaches him that there are two classes of people in the world, those who are good and would offer a lollipop and those who are bad and would point a gun. There is no caste, creed or religion but just people who shape the world. It is this philosophy which Lang carries forward in his love and faith, painting his journey in a collage of alternate light and dark emotions, shadow plays of human nature which guides him to the world or perhaps, guides the world towards him.

The Ghost Writer is appreciable because of its brilliance, acceptable for its nobility and unquestionable in its integrity. Roman Polanski weaves in a tale of love, faith, religion and humanity within a cinematic frame of 160 minutes pulling out a riveting and compelling human drama of innocence poised against the system, through the filtered sensibilities of a former British prime minister, one who cannot understand the world, but love it enough to change it. The keynotes of each frame, drenched with subtle social comments and complex emotional undertones makes the movie an amalgamation of the colors of hope and persistence, with layered textures of unspoken bonds. With Brosnan, Polanski succeeds in bringing the system on trial through the eyes of one who cannot bias himself on any ideology, making his emotions pure and though provoking, which touches the innermost chords of the heart, moistening the eyes and serenading the senses.

The story is filled with emotional subtexts which move at breakneck speed throughout the length of the film, constantly switching gears between the palettes of emotions. The dialogs exude class and confidence holding grip of the story yet laced with the finesse that allows for emotional drama combined with spiritual uprising, casting a satire on the entire system and its treatment of identities. The script penned by Robert Harris is one of par excellence, allowing the audience to blend into Brosnan through his smiles and tears, laugh in his joy and cringe with every blow dealt to him. The screenplay drops hypocritical moral ambitions to make scathingly relevant comments on modern outlook of the world, making it rise several notches above anything attempted in Bollywood.

In the end, The Ghost Writer becomes the experience it is because of Brosnan and McGregor, essayed flawlessly by Harris and Polanski. McGregor exudes the spirit of the titular ghost writer in every breath and pulse of the film, putting in a performance that is beyond any benchmark of excellence. He controls every single emotional nerve of the audience with vacant stares and dimpled smiles, towering like an illusionist conjuring up a magical performance of a lifetime. He breaks every stereotypical mould attached to him to rise like a phoenix from the ashes with Brosnan, who reigns over the audience in a sweeping wave of emotions, establishing a bond that scales beyond the arc-lights of the 70mm screen. He is complimented by McGregor whose very presence lights up the entire room with just a flashing smile. He balances the sensitivity of love and charm with the emotional conflict of a ravaged heart with effortless poise. The interactions between McGregor and Brosnan form the highlights of the film, filled with the cackling chemistry of a uninhibited passion, captivating the audience in the mesmerizing spell of the couple. Olivia Williams as Brosnan's wife delivers a matured and restrained performance while Kim Cattrall as Amelia Bly blends in simplicity with sensibility in a performance that comes straight from the heart. Anna Botting is exceptional as the young SKY TV Newsreader in her mannerisms while the supporting cast all deliver credible performances including Yvonne Tomlinson in a dazzling cameo.

There will always be movies that enchant us with their magic, but there will hardly be a journey that goes beyond cinematic borders to deliver the experience of a lifetime. The Ghost Writer is undoubtedly the new face of global cinema that enthralls with each passing frame, healing the hidden scars of the heart with its message of a better and humane world. There might be superheroes, but there will never be one Ewan McGregor, who takes pride in being ordinary and yet changes the face of the world.

Earlier time scales used B.C. and A.D. to mark important events. After 12th February 2010, the scales of humanity would mark the world before and after the release of The Ghost Writer.

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