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FANHALL ID: if01803
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片名: What?
其它片名: 什么?/Che?
导演: Roman Polanski
编剧: Roman Polanski, Gérard Brach
制片人: Carlo Ponti
摄影: Marcello Gatti, Giuseppe Ruzzolini
美术: Franco Fumagalli
声音: Bernard Bats
剪辑: Alastair McIntyre
主演: Marcello Mastroianni, Sydne Rome, Hugh Griffith, Guido Alberti
音乐: Claudio Gizzi
片长: 114分钟
年份: 1972年
类型: 剧情
国别: 意大利 法国 西德
语言: 英语 意大利语 法语

影片概述 . . . . . .

What a surprise, and what fun! Although I remember seeing promotional shots of this movie back in the 70s, hearing no more about it, I eventually decided it must never have been made. But, here it is in all its craziness. The beginning is rather edgy as the delectable, Sydne Rome is almost gang raped before the action swings into slapstick and she escapes, albeit with ripped t-shirt. This is as fully dressed as she ever is in this ending up fully nude and leaving the madhouse as quickly as she entered it. An amazing cast clearly had great fun and Hugh Griffith is as animated as I've seen him as the lecherous old head of the household. Mastroianni is marvellous throughout (in and out of the tiger skin). But everybody enters into the spirit and if we never see Lollipop because she is always on her back being serviced by one of the ping pong players, we hear her shouting her encouraging, 'Give it!' in accompaniment to his, 'Take it!'. Polanski is suitably quirky in a particularly quirky role and if the whole thing appears like some LSD inspired wonderland, it has been lovingly made with some style and is a joy to watch.这是一部喜剧片吗?我以为是一部站在男性视角带着一定程度的虐待和性幻想的电影。片中讲到一美国靓女在意大利旅游途中,为逃避同车3名男子的骚扰和强暴,误入一豪宅。其间遇到多位对其美色垂涎欲滴,并欲下手的各色男子。影片着力表现该女在困境中的种种羞态,似乎在一定程度上体现了男性面对此种女子时内心的幻想和看到其出丑时内心的满足感。体现了轻微的虐待倾向。最后以该靓女成功出逃而告终,似是对男性本位主义的嘲弄。

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