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War correspondent

FANHALL ID: if03277
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片名: War correspondent
其它片名: 战地记者
导演: Kostadin Bonev
片长: 分钟
年份: 2008年
国别: 保加利亚

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1917. Europe gone crazy is burning in the flames of the World War. A Bulgarian officer, the correspondent of the War News newspaper, is traveling to the Dobrudja front. His name is Yordan Yovkov. He has an unusual task to accomplish - to take an engagement ring to his best friend who has got married to a girl somewhere beyond the front line. Along his way he will meet almost blind General Kolev and the imam who makes crosses for the Bulgarian soldiers dying of cholera, he will close his dying friend's eyes and will stay the night at the home of his fiance. Together with the notepad he writes his experiences in, Yovkov will also carry the painful memories of whatever has happened.


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