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FANHALL ID: if03086
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片名: 海盗与王船
其它片名: /The Pirate & the Emperor’s Ship
导演: 邱永耀
编剧: 邱永耀
制片人: 邱永耀
摄影: 邱永耀, Jeffrey Loh
剪辑: 邱永耀
片长: 65分钟
年份: 2008年
国别: 马来西亚
语言: Hokkien

影片概述 . . . . . .

The notorious "Pirate King" Tan Lian Lay once terrorised the waters of Perak Malaysia and Bagan Siap-Api, Indonesia. His personal story and the history of his coastal bases are a mix of fact, fiction, legend, myth and religious belief.

Field researcher Lee Eng Kew (aka Ah Kew) retraces how a notorious criminal went from being a powerful gang leader to a hunted man, and later became revered as a deity. It is a story that encompasses the WWII Japanese occupation of South East Asia, the British colonial rule, and the power of the assimilation of myth into history, which still affects people today.

The Pirate and the Emperor's Ship is the second collaboration between Eng Yow and Eng Kew, after the documentary, Ah Kew the Digger.

曾经纵横马六甲海峡的"海王"陈连礼 (又名陈德辉),在马来西亚霹雳州以及印尼峇眼亚比的海域为非作歹。这名一代枭雄留下的故事,掺杂着了历史、传说、传奇以及神话。


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