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FANHALL ID: if02399
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片名: 鴿子王
导演: 楊雅吉吉
主演: 蔡振南, 蔡皆得, 高志宏, 丁也恬, 戈偉如, 汪白
片长: 90分钟
年份: 2002年
类型: 剧情
国别: 中国台湾

影片概述 . . . . . .

我爸爸回來了。十年來,對我們不聞不問的爸爸從大陸回來了。除了背駝了點,除了頭髮白了點,他還是一點都沒有變。一樣整天抱著鴿子,一樣的愛哈拉,一樣的…好吃懶做。他到我工作的地方,厚顏的想向我要錢給他的鴿子買補品。我跟他說,你為什麼不去找個工作。夜裡我遇到他,他說要去釣魚,可是卻沒有背釣竿,其實他是去魚市場拉貨,沒有兩天就拉傷腿、扭到腰… 媽求他別出去做了,在家裡幫忙。他開始幫媽媽賣香,可是心裡面還是惦記著那群鴿子…
My father is coming back from China. For ten years, he has no words to us. Beside a little hunch-backed and some gray hair, he has no change at all. As usual, he takes care of his pigeons, he is talkative as usual and he keeps his "habit" on what he says is much more than he does. He went to my workplace and had no shame to ask me for money to buy rich foods for his pigeons. I asked him to find a job. He starts to work in the fish market during the night. Only two working days, he is injured. Mother didn't want him to work there and asks him to help her on selling Chinese incense. He starts to sell Chinese incense but he is always worried about his pigeons.

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