The kindness of your touch
片名: | The kindness of your touch |
其它片名: | 你温柔的触摸 |
导演: | Angelo ango Visone |
编剧: | Angelo ango Visone |
制片人: | Angelo ango Visone |
摄影: | Angelo ango Visone |
剪辑: | Angelo ango Visone |
主演: | ango, Trevor |
音乐: | Luigi Boccherini |
片长: | 6分钟 |
年份: | 2006年 |
类型: | |
国别: | 意大利 |
语言: | |
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制作机构: | mySHN |
影片概述 . . . . . .
The memory of the protagonist’s dead companion is everywhere: in photographs, music, diary entries. During one of those sad, inconsolable afternoons, the haunting memory turns into a presence…
The memory of the protagonist’s dead companion is everywhere: in photographs, music, diary entries. During one of those sad, inconsolable afternoons, the haunting memory turns into a presence…
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