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片名: 伊文思---中國人民的老朋友
其它片名: Ivens an Old Friend of Chinese Peopl
导演: 何重生
制片人: 何重生, 顾仁权
摄影: Marc de Blok
声音: 张勇
剪辑: Willem Hoogenboom
音乐: Robert Wyatt
片长: 52分钟
年份: 2008年
国别: 中国
语言: 国语 荷兰语

影片概述 . . . . . .


It tells the story of Dutch filmmaker, Joris Ivens (1898-1989) and the films he made in China. It is a documentary about friendship, loyalty and truthfulness. This documentary also deals with the distrust that each foreigner encounters – even today - when he tries to make a film about China.
In 1966 China closed its doors for foreigners. A Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution took place and the leaders of this revolution did not want any foreigners to observe while this was happening. It lasted until 1971 before two filmmakers were invited to film China and show it to the world. One was Michelangelo Antonioni and the other was Joris Ivens, an old friend of the Chinese people.`
For almost two years Ivens filmed in China and edited the material into a documentary of 12 episodes which lasted altogether 12 hours. The series was first shown in Parisian cinemas in 1976 and was seen by at least 140.000 visitors. Later it was shown on television worldwide and it reached over one million viewers. People were very curious about was going on in China.
When in the beginning of the 1980’s the information slowly became available about the atrocities that happened during the Cultural Revolution, Ivens became the victim of severe criticism about his role and attitude towards China under the dictatorship of Mao Zedong and the Gang of Four. Some accused him of making propaganda for the dictators. Others found him naïf, blinded by his belief in the good intentions of the Cultural Revolution.
But what happened actually ?
For Ivens documentary filmmaking was a search for truth. In HOW YUKONG MOVED THE MOUNTAINS he tries to deliver a truthful image of China and how it has changed under Mao’s Cultural Revolution. According to Ivens his film give a true image of the daily life during the Cultural Revolution. In fact it was an image that was selected for him by the Chinese Film Buro, an image which he wanted it to believe to be true.
AN OLD FRIEND OF THE CHINESE PEOPLE gives an impression by talking to the people that were involved – in front of and behind the camera – in the making of HOW YUKONG MOVED THE MOUNTAINS. It also shows how Ivens became an old friend of the Chinese people and it talks to a new friend, the writer Bai Hua, who in the end told him what really happened in China during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
© 2008 René Seegers
AN OLD FRIEND OF THE CHINESE PEOPLE was selected in the competition of the FIPA Festival in Biarritz in 2009 in the section Creative Documentary and Essay.
AN OLD FRIEND OF THE CHINESE PEOPLE won the First Price in the section History and Humanities at the China International Conference of Science and History Producers 2009 in Nanjing.

导演阐述 . . . . . .

为了进行这种探寻,我用了一位演员(Jeroen Willems)代表我在电影中担当作者一角。为了给质疑伊文思动机创造可能性,为了怀疑受访者的回答,为了猜测文化差异的影响,我需要这样一个人在画面中扮演调查者,观众会和他取得共鸣。身为电影导演,我不能在摄像机前出现,所以我请一位专业演员来替我扮演电影作者的角色。

Director’s Statement:
To me as a documentary filmmaker the truth is an enigma. Although a video or film camera registers truthfully the reality in front of a camera, the registered image is not necessarily equivalent with the truth. The framing, the angle, the image a such, even with direct sound, reflects only partly the full meaning of the reality of the moment, and thereby reflects only partly the truth.
Joris Ivens (1898-1989), the great master of documentary filmmaking – not only in the Netherlands, but almost in whole world – was much criticized for his film cycle “How Yukong moved the Mountains” which he shot between 1972-1973 in China during the Cultural Revolution.
Although Ivens always maintained that he filmed the truth, the way these documentaries represented the Cultural Revolution - as a positive experience for the Chinese people - was not according to the reality as the Chinese had experienced it completely.
In 1978, after Mao’s death, the Chinese government declared that the Cultural Revolution as a national disaster, Ivens lost his credibility among most of his admirers.
How could a such a great master be mistaken ?
The film AN OLD FRIEND OF HE CHINESE PEOPLE is not a documentary to judge Ivens, it is a search for his friendship with China, a search for his motives to make a film about the Cultural revolution and a search for his belief in Communism, especially Maoism, which he saw as a solution for the injustice in the world. It is a search for an explanation how a great master like Ivens, who taught his Chinese friends for more than half a century (Ivens came to China for the first time in 1938) how to make truthful documentaries, could be mislead by his own expectations and the way the Chinese (including his friends, like Zhou Enlai) presented to him the New Man that was created by Mao’s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
Was Ivens blinded by his ideology ? Did he have too much confidence in the new technology of handheld film camera’s with synchronous sound that captured the reality of the moment ? And what about his Chinese friends ? Did they try to warn him that the reality he filmed was only the outside appearance of an ideology ?
To do this search I made use of an actor (Jeroen Willems) who represents me as the author in the film. To create the possibility to question motives of Ivens, to doubt the answers of interviewees, to guess about the influences of cultural differences I needed a person who ‘acts’ this in the picture as the investigating author, a person with whom the audience can identify with. As a filmmaker I was not capable to do this acting in front of the camera, therefore I asked a professional actor to interpret my role as the author of this film.
René Seegers

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