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Beed-o baad

FANHALL ID: if01702
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片名: Beed-o baad
其它片名: 柳树之歌/Willow and Wind
导演: Mohammad-Ali Talebi
编剧: Abbas Kiarostami
制片人: Makoto Ueda, Ali Reza Shoja-Nuri, Mohammad Mehdi Dadgo
摄影: Farhad Saba
剪辑: Sohrab Mirsepassi
主演: Hadi Alipour, Amir Janfada, Majid Alipour, Mohammad Sharif Ebrahimi
音乐: Mehrdad Jenabi
片长: 77分钟
年份: 1999年
国别: 伊朗 日本
语言: 波斯语
制作机构: Cima Media International

影片概述 . . . . . .

found this movie strangely compelling for such a simple plot. It reminded me of the Bhutanese film "The Cup", as well as the Iranian film "A Time for Drunken Horses". All of these films contain singular seemingly straight forward quests within a framework of largely tedious everyday life. I believe that my interest was held because they are studies on different cultures and ways of living. They allowed me to feel grateful to reside in North America, and to have myriad options in life. There is little extraneous content in these films, the life situation is set up, the quest is introduced, and some kind of conclusion is reached. Most of the characters seemed very genuine, as if they were being filmed by a hidden camera. I felt that the lead child actor did a passable job, however the constant sour expression on his face, that was probably meant to convey utter hopelessness, seemed quite out of place in a number of scenes, and I found this increasingly annoying as the film progressed也许对于这个国度,人们所能凭记忆勾勒出的只有尘土,平原,沙漠化,小规模武装冲突,还有贫穷。而这些和影象中的伊朗没有任何牵连。那里存在着另一种东方人,他们对生活的执著,无可挑剔。个小学生在踢球时不小心打碎了教室的玻璃而被罚站在外面,同时一个刚来上学的学生因为凝视着窗外在这个季节并不多见的小雨时被视为注意力不集中清出教室,两个孩子像遇了,而倒霉的并不只是他们,同样肩负倒霉命运的还有一个高年级的学生,他为挣家用想和老师争取到一周两天在外打工的机会。三个人恍惚的穿梭在教室外的走廊通道中,想离开,却不知该去向何处。

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