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FANHALL ID: if01553
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片名: Tarachime
其它片名: 垂乳女/新生
导演: 河瀨直美
主演: 河瀨直美, 河瀨宇乃, 光祈
片长: 32分钟
年份: 2006年
类型: 短片 / 纪录片
国别: 法国 / 日本
语言: 日语
制作机构: Arte France

影片概述 . . . . . .

This disturbing autobiographical documentary (running time is less than 50 minutes) starts as director Kawase (who is in her 30s) berates her 90 year old grandmother (who apparently raised her alone) for...well, it's not clear what is she reproaching her for, apparently for once telling her that if she didn't want to live with her, she could go somewhere else. It's an ugly scene, and after that we saw another disturbing scene of the old grandmother bathing in close up. Later scenes show Kawase and her grandmother on better terms as they reflect on old age, life, happiness, etc. The movie later shows the grandmother being brought to a hospital on an ambulance and we are later informed that she died (we are thankfully spared of seeing her on her deathbed). The final scene of the movie shows Kawase giving birth to her son. The movie is interesting, but it's also disturbing for its exhibitionism, and for the seeming sadism in which director Kawase treats her


导演阐述 . . . . . .


「命を授かるということは、命を分かつということ。命を身ごもったその日から、そしてその命の誕生までを描くつもりの映画でした。けれど、創ってゆくうちに、それはただこのひとつの「命」だけの物語ではないということにたどりつき・・. やがて、命と命の結び目を描くような映画へと昇華してゆきました 河瀨直美」

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——2009-04-08 09:43:08,4444上传

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