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Un soir après la guerre

FANHALL ID: if01482
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片名: Un soir après la guerre
其它片名: 战后的一夜
导演: Rithy Panh
编剧: Rithy Panh, Ève Deboise
制片人: Jacques Bidou
摄影: Christophe Pollock
剪辑: Marie-Christine Rougerie
主演: Chea Lyda Chan
音乐: Marc Marder
片长: 108分钟
年份: 1998年
类型: 剧情
国别: 法国 / 柬埔寨 
语言: 高棉语
制作机构: A work of a seizing sensitivity and beauty which does not leave anybody indifferent, telling the history of two soul mates wandering in Kampuchea post-war period, with the research of Peace, Love and Serenity. A pure masterpiece of Rithy Phanh, one of the

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A work of a seizing sensitivity and beauty which does not leave anybody indifferent, telling the history of two soul mates wandering in Kampuchea post-war period, with the research of Peace, Love and Serenity. A pure masterpiece of Rithy Phanh, one of the most brilliant director ever !
本片的故事背景设在柬埔寨战后一片碎石瓦砾的金边(Phnom Penh), 描绘了返乡的战士在道德和肉体受到极度摧残而满目疮痍的心灵家园中重新开始新生活的艰辛.
  在漫长的战争过后, 士兵 萨瓦纳 返回了故乡的小镇, 他在那儿邂逅了一位美丽的酒吧女, 而残酷的生活似乎注定了这段爱情的悲剧...

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评分: 1分 年月:2009.11

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