片名: | 寻找79越战消逝的老兵 |
其它片名: | |
导演: | 张大力 |
制片人: | 张大力 |
摄影: | 张大力 |
声音: | 张大力 |
剪辑: | 张大力 |
音乐: | 张大力 |
片长: | 180分钟 |
年份: | 2008年 |
类型: | 纪录片 |
国别: | 中国 |
语言: | |
格式: |
影片概述 . . . . . .
Centered on the veterans with ancestral home in Zhanjiang who were original 42 and 55 Army Corp that participated in the war between China and Vietnam in 1979, the movie presents the brutality and honor of the war-- Order of Merit, Merit Citation Class II, Merit Citation Class III, First-level Disability, Second-level Disability, Third-level disability......They have modeled the new most beloved men! The veterans went back home with honor, thinking that the government would give them some compensation. However, as the reform and restructure of the mechanism in China, they turned out to be the poorest men---being out of work, being unemployed, suffering the after effects of war and aging. Some of them have no house for living. Some of them are still single without any children and some of them have no job. They became the “n-without”people. The war deprived them of their young lives and right to life, which makes them rethink......
Centered on the veterans with ancestral home in Zhanjiang who were original 42 and 55 Army Corp that participated in the war between China and Vietnam in 1979, the movie presents the brutality and honor of the war-- Order of Merit, Merit Citation Class II, Merit Citation Class III, First-level Disability, Second-level Disability, Third-level disability......They have modeled the new most beloved men! The veterans went back home with honor, thinking that the government would give them some compensation. However, as the reform and restructure of the mechanism in China, they turned out to be the poorest men---being out of work, being unemployed, suffering the after effects of war and aging. Some of them have no house for living. Some of them are still single without any children and some of them have no job. They became the “n-without”people. The war deprived them of their young lives and right to life, which makes them rethink......
导演阐述 . . . . . .
If Han Jingshan, the reporter of Xinhua News Agency had not told me about the Martyrs' Cemetery that was nearly forgotten by people in 2005 and if Chen Wenchao, the monitor of the original Class 1, Company 6, Battalion 2, Regiment 376, Division 126, Army 42, had not told me how cruel the war between China and Vietnam in 1979 was with the result that only 16 people survived in the company and what poor life they were living, I think I would not go to the isolated and poor village in Longzhou of Guangxi Province to look for the former battle field of Maanshan. How peaceful it is today.
Go to visit and show my respect to four or five thousand of the Chinese martyrs and four or five hundred of the Vietnamese martyrs who participated in the battle of Longzhou, Pingxiang and Liangshan lying in their last sleep.
Passing the Friendship Pass, we found that some staffs of the municipal government of Pingxiang and Congzuo were preparing the stage for a cultural activity. Some people and soldiers for frontier defense were walking back and fro. They are friendly to each.
Since peace was established now between two countries, I can spend 100 RMB on the ticket to Hanoi, taking almost 3 hours. I can spend 150 RMB on room rate of the hotel in Hanoi, having bad but expensive meal. When we took photos with the citizens of Hanoi, they had the same facial expression with Chinese people. They like Renminbi and US dollars, viewing them as the most important thing.
The motorcycles on the street were just like the ones in 1980s in China. There were also some cars, most of which were Toyota of Japan, Daewoo of Korea, and Mercedes-Benz and BMW of Germany. None of them were made in China.The whole journey began on 22th November in 2006 and ended on 24th, coming back to Guangzhou on 25th. My partner is Zhenqian who lived a difficult life.
Fiery-spirit in those years has already frozen in the lonely mausoleums in the mountain. Those alive has already cooled down……
Some one ever made common on the war: People don’t need war, but wars make common people turn to be soldiers and make soldiers turn to be enemies, who fight with each other and finally sleep forever under the earth. The history never forgets the terms----Barton and Napoleon, but no one can remember the soldiers. This situation happens to every country.
If Han Jingshan, the reporter of Xinhua News Agency had not told me about the Martyrs' Cemetery that was nearly forgotten by people in 2005 and if Chen Wenchao, the monitor of the original Class 1, Company 6, Battalion 2, Regiment 376, Division 126, Army 42, had not told me how cruel the war between China and Vietnam in 1979 was with the result that only 16 people survived in the company and what poor life they were living, I think I would not go to the isolated and poor village in Longzhou of Guangxi Province to look for the former battle field of Maanshan. How peaceful it is today.
Go to visit and show my respect to four or five thousand of the Chinese martyrs and four or five hundred of the Vietnamese martyrs who participated in the battle of Longzhou, Pingxiang and Liangshan lying in their last sleep.
Passing the Friendship Pass, we found that some staffs of the municipal government of Pingxiang and Congzuo were preparing the stage for a cultural activity. Some people and soldiers for frontier defense were walking back and fro. They are friendly to each.
Since peace was established now between two countries, I can spend 100 RMB on the ticket to Hanoi, taking almost 3 hours. I can spend 150 RMB on room rate of the hotel in Hanoi, having bad but expensive meal. When we took photos with the citizens of Hanoi, they had the same facial expression with Chinese people. They like Renminbi and US dollars, viewing them as the most important thing.
The motorcycles on the street were just like the ones in 1980s in China. There were also some cars, most of which were Toyota of Japan, Daewoo of Korea, and Mercedes-Benz and BMW of Germany. None of them were made in China.The whole journey began on 22th November in 2006 and ended on 24th, coming back to Guangzhou on 25th. My partner is Zhenqian who lived a difficult life.
Fiery-spirit in those years has already frozen in the lonely mausoleums in the mountain. Those alive has already cooled down……
Some one ever made common on the war: People don’t need war, but wars make common people turn to be soldiers and make soldiers turn to be enemies, who fight with each other and finally sleep forever under the earth. The history never forgets the terms----Barton and Napoleon, but no one can remember the soldiers. This situation happens to every country.
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