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Don't Let Me Drown

FANHALL ID: if00487
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片名: Don't Let Me Drown
其它片名: 爱的救赎/别让我溺死/爱情死亡
导演: Cruz Angeles
编剧: Cruz Angeles, Maria Topete
制片人: Maria Topete, Ben Howe, Lars Knudsen, James Lawler, Jay Van Hoy
摄影: Chad Davidson
声音: Micah Bloomberg
剪辑: Andrew Hafitz
主演: E.J. Bonilla, Gleendilys Inoa, Damián Alcázar, Ricardo Chavira, Gina Torres
音乐: Daniel Belardinelli
片长: 105分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 剧情片
国别: 美国
语言: 英语

影片概述 . . . . . .


In a post-September 11th world overflowing with fear and hate, two Latino teens discover that sometimes the only thing that can keep them from drowning is love.

At the center of Cruz Angeles’s touching first feature are Lalo and Stefanie, two high-school kids living in Brooklyn. Lalo comes from a
mexican immigrant family that struggles financially. His father, formerly a janitor at the World Trade Center, now works at Ground Zero cleaning up debris. Stefanie’s family moved back to Brooklyn after her sister was killed in the attacks. While her mother tries to hold the family together, her father’s emotions have no outlet but anger. Lalo and Stefanie meet at a birthday party, and although they start off on the wrong foot, the ice melts, and their budding friendship becomes a clandestine romance. Down Let Me Drown features an elegantly simple story, layered characters, and standout performances, notably from its young leads. The director's approach feels intuitive and brings a refreshing spontaneity to the story. He clearly knows everything about his characters and creates an authenticity that brings out both their emotions and humor. The character interactions seem so slight, couched mostly in everyday, often-funny situations, but gradually the film accrues weight. The textures of the city and the lives of ordinary people are shaded with a wistful sense of struggle, but the fabric of the film is woven from compassion. We care about these characters because they care about each other: that’s how they keep their heads above water.

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