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FANHALL ID: if00371
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片名: 《构想(美中的两个时刻)》
其它片名: /Construct (two Moments in Beauty)
导演: Maja Borg
片长: 6分钟
年份: 2006年
类型: 试验片
国别: 英国

影片概述 . . . . . .

是一部由当地的电影艺术家和科学家合作制作的电影。他们是:电影制作人Maja Borg;历史学家Maria Björkman;录音设计师Martin Johnson和作曲Mario Adamson。影片的目的是为了指出人类的活动总是希望进行规划和控制以便了解世界和历史,当我们对这个世界有了某些想法并尝试将它实现的时候,在我们所知的历史上,结局往往是一场灾难。


Construct (Two moments in Beauty) is a local artist and science collaboration between filmmaker Maja Borg, historian Maria Björkman, sound designer Martin Johnson and music composer Mario Adamson, all exploring the human tendency of wanting to systemize in order to understand and/or control the world. The film is a result of conversations about the destructive effects we have encountered in history, when trying to apply an idea about the world upon the reality of it.

Lives and works in Edimburg (UK).
Writing, producing and directing local film projects from an early age, Maja Borg has gone on to work internationally on films in Sweden, Romania, Scotland, United States and Jordan. Maja graduated from Edinburgh College of Art (Film and TV) with First Class Honors and a feature documentary “Look at Lucia.”

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