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The Inventions of Dr. Nakamats

FANHALL ID: if03642
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片名: The Inventions of Dr. Nakamats
其它片名: 中松博士的发明
导演: Kaspar Astrup Schröder
片长: 57分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 丹麦

影片概述 . . . . . .

   A portrait of a 81-year-old Japanese inventor with 3,300 patents -- for everything from the floppy disk to the Brain Drink -- who intends to live to the age of 144.

Dr. Nakamats himself is our guide as, without comment from the Danish filmmakers, he shows us his many inventions. The 81-year-old Japanese has 3,300 patents to his name, including the first floppy disk, the aphrodisiac Love Jet spray, and Dr. Nakamats's Brain Drink. He always gets his best ideas -- as he demonstrates -- underwater and "0.5 seconds before death." (He invented an underwater memo pad to make immediate note of these ideas.) A moment later, we see Nakamats bouncing past on springs intended to make jogging less strenuous. He seems remarkably sprightly for a man born in 1928, and he intends to live to the age of 144. With this in mind, he has carried out a daily examination of the effect of his meal (of which he takes a photograph) on his blood since 1971. This work received the Ig Nobel Prize in 2005, for achievements that "first make people laugh, and then make them think." Nakamats is proud of the award, just as he is of a letter from George Bush, Sr. He is also vain (he sings a song in praise of his own tenacity) and unwilling to be contradicted. Nakamats gives a severe lecture, Japanese-style, to a noncompliant staff member at the hotel where he is intending to celebrate his 80th birthday -- it is an elaborate display of great honor, respect, shame, and apologies. Nonetheless, Nakamats jokingly predicts that the filmmakers will "edit out all the good stuff and only show the weird scenes."

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  多伦多Hot Docs电影节“最佳纪录片”奖提名影片(2010)
  Full Frame电影节“最佳纪录片”奖提名影片(2010)
  旧金山国际电影节“最佳纪录片”奖提名影片(2010) Best Documentary award Nomination at IDFA(2009)
Best Documentary award Nomination at Toronto Hot Docs Film Festival(2010)
Best Documentary award Nomination at Full Frame Film Festival(2010)
Best Documentary award Nomination at San Francisco International Film Festival(2010)
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