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FANHALL ID: if00267
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(共 1 人评价)
片名: 地上--空间
导演: 王杨
制片人: 雷晶晶
摄影: 王杨
剪辑: 王杨
片长: 103分钟
年份: 2007年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国大陆
语言: 中文
制作机构: 收割电影制作小组

影片概述 . . . . . .

This film is an observation of the public space of the areas that links city and village.
It tries to show the great changes of this age. Because of the rapid change of land
ownership, the relationship between men and environment is changed also.
Furthermore, the film tries to capture the vivid expressions and appearances of the
people in this public space.

导演阐述 . . . . . .


In today’s China, the border of cities have already expanded to the core of the agricultural areas. The mega-university town of west China in Chang’an District of
Xi’an is only one of the hundred battle fields of land that exist in China. The lost of
land and the introduction of new ways of life bring anxiety, pain, and also optimistism
to the people living there. Man and environment can never be separated. However, the
land is fundamentally changed, with the disappearance of the farm land and building
of modern university campus and commodity houses. The broad roads have destroyed
the system of villages that has already in danger formerly. In this film, we did not
observe all of this from a point o view of sociologist, but only as a documentary
maker who observes these profound changes. In this context, I do not have the
ambition to sustain a grand narrative, and what I want to do is to use the camera to
look at those ordinary spaces in this complex world. I believe that the villages,
university town, supermarket, building site of the real estates, the garden in the center
of street, and the people, with their activities, expressions, languages, living in these
spaces will tell us the secret of the piece of land. The anxious farmers who are so
concerned about their future, the workers who sweat on the building site, a ceremony
of marriage in a deserted village, the modern supermarket… all of this seem to
indicate that people are trying to locate their new positions in this new world.

获得奖项 . . . . . .

参加草场地工作室青年纪录片单元展映、平遥DV 影像大展展映。

评论列表(6) . . . . . . ( 发表新评论 ) ( 更多评论 )

超市里与超市外《地上》 [展开/收起]
wangy   2008-12-13 00:40:39   0回应
文/徐展雄 王杨曾于去年拍摄了一部名为《地上》的纪录片。他把镜头对准了西安大学城这片连接、模糊着城乡地域的暧昧空间,试图捕捉这一空间的微妙变...
《地上》与上帝 [展开/收起]
wangy   2008-12-13 00:39:03   0回应
文/王宗凯 出于习惯,看完一部影片后,便会追问片名与内容的关系。《地上----空间》展现的是西部大学城与其周围的残留村落。影片的主题本来是大学城...
地上 [展开/收起]
wangy   2008-12-13 00:38:03   0回应
文:董钧 (本文摘录于2007平遥DV影像大展官方手册) 2007年8月16日凌晨一点,在我闷热的工作室看完了王杨的纪录片《地上》,送走了他们。房间从热闹...

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wangy(创建者), wangy

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byc中国青年导演电影双周 看过
评分: 7分 年月:2010.06

王杨导演的其它影片 . . . . . .

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