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FANHALL ID: if00177
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片名: 秉爱
其它片名: /BingAi
导演: 冯艳
制片人: 冯艳
摄影: 冯艳
声音: 冯艳
剪辑: 冯艳, 马修哈斯勒
片长: 114分钟
年份: 2007年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国
语言: 中文
格式: DV

影片概述 . . . . . .


With the completion of the Three Gorges Dam, now under construction, 1.13 million people along the Yangtze River will have been dislocated. The majority of them are farmers. BINGAI features one woman farmer who refuses to move away from her village. The audience will follow her seven-year struggle with officials who pressure her to relocate, while a strong devotion to her land compels her to remain in the place she calls home

导演阐述 . . . . . .



Of all subjects I've had the chance to film, Zhang Bingai took the longest to warm up to me and reveal herself. We'd known each other for eight years before she confided to me the story of her life. When there is water about to rise up and submerge your house, and you are burdened by the huge pressure to make final decisions, all the memories of your rough life come raging out like floodwaters breaking through a dam. I was caught in this riptide and I drifted, unable to move at all, enveloped in a story I felt as though I had heard before, and I even shuddered for an instant with the feeling that I had touched her soul. As Bingai talked unhesitatingly to the camera in between her busy farm work and heated negotiations with officials, I understood how all her past choices and actions were based on her own life experiences. As I was editing Bingai, I came to realize that parallels emerged between her history and current situation entirely in the order in which the scenes were shot. A life's richness and complexity goes far beyond our imagination. This coincidence made me lament over my silly and unnecessary efforts to try to "compose" the film.

获得奖项 . . . . . .

《秉爱》曾参展温哥华国际电影节、釜山国际电影节、维也纳国际电影节等。并获第四届中国纪录片交流周优秀纪录奖、山形国际纪录片电影节亚洲新浪潮单元小川绅介奖、社团电影奖。西班牙“观点”国际纪录片电影节最佳影片奖。南特三大陆电影节银气球奖。比利时Filmer A Tour Prix电影节大奖。第32届香港国际电影节优秀纪录片人道奖。《南方周末》2007年年度电影提名

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水边的秉爱 [展开/收起]
长川   2010-05-25 23:43:39   0回应
by 卫西谛 财新·新世纪周刊 专栏 本文转自卫西谛博客。原文链接:http://vcd.cinepedia.cn/?p=1377 拍纪录片为了什么?小川绅介说是为了“想在活...

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评注: 我有私心,但是这真的是让我感动至死的影像

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