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Anticlimax/反高潮 / Gelsen Gas

在电影最后解决冲突时,没有出现观众所期待的情节,使观众感到失望的情节设计效果。如侦探经典作品《大沉睡》(1946)中,自始至终无人了解凶手是谁,就是反高潮的一种手法。 有Alejandro Jodorowsky演出的一部怪片。。。

人间喜剧/Human Comedy / 鸿鸿

故事叙述是台北林森北路某大厦内三段异乡人迥异的情爱故事。 这一夜,他们都寂寞难耐,一场偷情的意外事件串起他们的命运,并接连引发一连串荒谬的情色喜剧。 整天吵个不停的异国情侣,为了争论莫名其妙的问题而大打出手,在这同时,楼下录影带店嗑药的香港女侨生却经历了一场莫名其妙的搭讪和诡异的怪事。   事情依旧没有结束,善良的计程车司机好心地送醉得不醒人事的日本女孩回到同一栋大厦内,却难以抗拒对她的深深情欲。最后,拾荒老头踩着三轮车来这一条热闹多事的巷道,为这一切作了令人喷饭的善后………

一席之地/ / 楼一安


穿墙人/The Wall-Passer / 鸿鸿

十七岁的小铁在一次偶然的机会下获得一块具有魔法的残砖,他想要利用它去到另一个世界去寻找诺诺。每天同一时刻,小铁凭着这块魔法的残砖穿过任一面墙,来到另一个所有颜色和真实世界相反的可能世界,但他却从没找到诺诺,只遇到了在寻找父亲、沉醉在宿怨中的盲女雅红。   小铁心疼雅红的遭遇,决定和雅红对调,让雅红握着石头回到真实世界,过一天的生活,但他却破坏了游戏规则,小铁再也无法再次穿墙,他掉到街上,独自一人回到了现实,小铁也终于死了心,不再寻找诺诺。   多年后,小铁来到法国蒙马特的著名作家埃梅的纪念广...

3橘之恋/Love of Three Oranges / 鸿鸿


空中花园/A Garden in the Sky / 鸿鸿

本片是鸿鸿继《3橘之恋》、《人间喜剧》后的第3部影像作品,一部色彩缤纷、风格诗意的影片,融合纪录、剧情、歌舞、与时尚的奇想实验,时而幽默时而伤感地,深入当代人难以言宣的内在情感世界。   一切从衣服开始。从生到死,从私密的到公开的。一切也不只是衣服。我们和一群性格独特的人物共同穿越城市的角落,从地铁、夜市、百货公司、成衣厂、到旧衣回收站,从华丽的盛装到一丝不挂;音乐随着狂想流转:在停车场跳踢跶舞,在地下道走时装秀…   A访问:在各种公共及私密空间采访,对象包括流行文化评论家、时装设计师、成衣...

台北波西米亚/Bohemians in Taipei / 鸿鸿

波西米亚原本是捷克的一个地名,波西米亚人(Bohemian)在十九世纪泛指巴黎那些像吉普赛人一般贫困却反叛的年轻艺术家与学生,后来因普契尼的同名歌剧而成为世界性的共通词汇。至今,在社会底层、在城市边缘漂泊浮荡的艺术工作者,仍然适用此一称谓。      虽然剧场的待遇微薄又朝不保夕,让他们的生活条件不可思议地俭朴与拮据,然而却不碍他们作为高度自我要求的艺术工作者──是的,他们多半自称为“剧场工作者”而非“艺术家”。他们并不觉得在作任何牺牲,甚至觉得自己比大多数人过得更快乐,然而那种默默付出、默默燃烧着的...

Wo die grünen Ameisen träumen/Where the Green Ants Dream / Werner Herzog

I'm invariably surprised when I mention this film to friends that they say they've never seen it. Werner Herzog in Australia? C'mon. How could the great German director of Wozzeck, Nosferatu and other Gothic classics concern himself with a very oblique tale of a development project impeded by Aboriginal Australians who contend that disturbing the green ants dreams by ripping up their habitat will likewise rip the fabric of the universe? The government solution is to give them an airplane which o...

Ballade vom kleinen Soldaten/Ballad of a little soldie / Werner Herzog

Werner Herzog looks at the young soldiers who make up the Miskito Indian rebel army. The Indians are an abused minority who sided with the Sandinistas in the Nicaragua civil war. However once the Sandinistas won the Indians were once more an abuse minority and had to fight once more for their rights. The first part of the film deals with the war itself and how the adults are handling it. The second part of the film deals with the 10,11 and 12 year olds who are being recruited into the fight be...

Fitzcarraldo/ / Werner Herzog

Perhaps Aguirre is the better film but Brian Fitzgerald (Fitzcarraldo) is an even better character. We love dreamers and Fitz may be the greatest dreamer ever created on film. Kinski in his white suit with his "Hair by Charlie Manson" manning the turret atop the Molly Aida, firing volleys of Caruso at the native tribesman. Ah, unforgettable. Herzog is a truly unique voice and has never been afraid to experiment. Fitzcarraldo is one of the experiments that succeeds         一个热爱卡鲁索...

Woyzeck/Werner Herzog's Woyzeck / Werner Herzog

This movie is far from perfect, but there are a few scenes here and there that are absolutly hair-raising : Kinski in a state of total exaustion at the begining, the scene in the woods when he starts to hear voices and the unbeleivable murder scene consisting of two shots disguised as one that last about 5 minutes in slow motion (it has to be seens to be beleived). The use of music is fantastic, the photography impecable. Herzog does as usual and captures another world while Kinski is plainly li...

Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht/Nosferatu the Vampyre / Werner Herzog

Herzog deserves hats off, any academy award for best director. A film so beautiful should be more well known. The atmosphere is stuck with you from the beginning with the chants and the screams. The characters fit the film perfectly, besides the librarian guy. The colors were great, the shots were planned out great. The simplicity of a shadow was made so mesmerizing. I felt chills all around my body after watching this film. It had a touch with all those shadows and the shot with the vampires ha...

Stroszek/ / Werner Herzog

A friend once commented to me that what made a painting more interesting than say, just the oil on the canvas, was the story behind the painting and the story behind the person who painted it. This works ideally when applied to this wonderfully, deeply affecting film. IF you've watched this film then you must know a little about the back story and if now read the twenty other reviews posted here. The truth is what makes this film great! The truth it takes to mix this film with fact and fiction, ...

Herz aus Glas/ / Werner Herzog

perhaps one of the most original films ever made. hauntingly beautiful. the hypnotized actors are used to an eerie and mesmerizing effect. a very subtle work. very disjointed and truly experimental这是一部末世纪寓言故事,晦涩但富有视觉表现力。   故事描述一个以玻璃制造为生的村镇,玻璃厂的工头死了,也带走了生产红宝石玻璃的秘方。工厂主想尽一切办法试图找回配方,却徒劳无功。   预言家海斯预测的坏事都变成现实,在村民中引起恐慌。海斯还预言玻璃工厂将被烧毁,人们相互仇视残杀,战火在世界各地燃起。后来...

Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle/ / Werner Herzog

Every Man For Himself and God Against All aka The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser is a prime slice of pre-nutter-in-the-jungle Werner Herzog and makes an interesting companion piece to Truffaut's L'Infant Sauvage/The Wild Child. Where Truffaut used his true story of a foundling more animal than boy as proof of the human soul, Herzog uses the real-life mystery of Hauser as a means of showing that society's accepted way of looking at the world may not necessarily be the most valid – as demonstrated when ...

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