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Андрей Рублёв/Andrei Rublyov / Andrei Tarkovsky

He has ruined cinema for me and this is one of the masterpieces that did it. Everytime you see one of his film's you proclaim: "That's the best picture ever made!" Which can't be true as that was the last Tarkovsky film you saw. I've seen this one many times at the cinema and is the best three hours of celluloid you're likely to see apart from Solaris, which is Tarkovsky anyway. Tarkovsky wanted to make art that would change people's lives and in this he succeeded. Although his life was trouble...

Иваново детство/Ivanovo Detstvo / Andrei Tarkovsky

This film by Tarkovsky depicts the story of Ivan, a child partisan in the eastern front during the second world war. The strength and immersion of the film are quite amazing, although it was made almost forty years ago it has not lost any of it's power and is still absolutely gripping. The dream sequences are especially powerful in the way they show the history and state of mind of the young Ivan. The acting is very good and so are all the other aspects such as editing and cinematography that i...

Каток и скрипка/Katok i skripka / Andrei Tarkovsky

Andrei Tarkovsky's school graduation project, the short film Katok i Skripka or Steamroller and the Violin (1960), by the words of Russian critic Maya Turovskaya, the first rate film, is promise of the things that would come so powerfully in his later films. The most important part of the little film was the joy of showing the beauty and poetry of the ordinary familiar things. The whole world of the film is saturated in colors, filled by myriads of playful solar spots, mirror reflections (yes, m...

Убийцы/Ubiytsy / Marika Beiku

This is the best student film I have ever seen. Not only in directing but style also. It's black and white as every good film noir is. If you can call this short film noir or not though is up for discussion. This is a very faithful adaption of Ernest Hemingway's short story The Killers. And the way it's shot, cut and acted is truly remarkable. Especially in one scene when a man walks into the diner while the killers have Nick Adams and the cook tied up in the back. The whole scene plays out with...

Æblet & ormen/The Apple & The Worm / Anders Morgenthaler


Araki: The Killing of a Japanese Photographer/ / Anders Morgenthaler


rPrincess/ / Anders Morgenthale

If you mix the set up of "Leon the Professional" with the style of "Kill Bill" and "Sin City" you expect a good movie, but this one - against all odds - was poor. The artwork drawing reminded me of the Simpsons very first episode (yes, the one drawn by Ullmann). So if you like Mangas, the cartoon style of Kill Bill or anything else from the toon's Hollywood can offer - you will be more than disappointed! Lame to ugly graphics! Only the music isn't that bad - and "watching" the movie with your ey...

医生/Doctor / 钟孟宏

任职于迈阿密儿童医院的温医生来自台湾竹东,与妻子儿女长居美国。2003年一位十二岁的秘鲁男孩Sebastian越过赤道来到他的诊疗室。这个罹患神经外皮层瘤的小生命与温医生多才多艺的儿子Felix有许多相似之处,他们都喜欢画画、种树,并着迷于蛇类。然而,七年前,同样的年龄,Felix在1996年美国国庆日午后,客家祖父母首度访美团聚之际,离奇地在衣橱里结束自己的生命,房门上留下一张令人费解的公告。   温医生在治疗Sebastian期间,打开了两百多个尘封已久的纸箱,关于儿子的回忆一一涌上。一位经历丧子之痛的父亲,慢慢在镜头前温习...

上海公园/Park Shanghai / 黄凯

即将离开上海的吴正冬在最后一夜参加了一次同学聚会。在歌舞升平的KTV,他与那些老朋友或者老冤家相见了,那些人有的近况不佳,有的飞黄腾达。但他最激动之事莫过于见到昔日的女友杜蕊蕊。这一天的经历让吴正冬和杜蕊蕊重新检视自己的生活,检视自己做过的决定和选择,试图找到对自己重要的一些意义。 上海初夏的午后,27岁的吴正冬正要去KTV参加他大学的同学聚会,那是他们毕业以来的第一次聚会。这让他重遇了大学时的女朋友杜蕊蕊。   他俩在一起四年最后在毕业时分手。此后杜去英国留学,与在当地相识的一个上海人结婚,前不久回...

停车/Parking / 钟孟宏

找到停车格,不要以为很幸运……   台北母亲节,陈莫 (张震 饰) 和妻子 (桂纶镁 饰) 约好一起吃晚餐,想拉近他们疏远的感情。他在回家途中想买个蛋糕,正好路边有个停车格,陈莫开心的停车,离开去买蛋糕,不料回来之后,发现另一辆车并排停在他的车旁,挡住了他的出路。整个晚上,陈莫在附近公寓楼层间寻找违规停车的人,遇见了一连串的奇人异事:失去独子的老夫妇和早慧的孙女,烹煮鱼汤的独臂理发厅老板,一心想逃脱马夫魔掌的大陆妓女,被讨债流氓围堵的香港裁缝师,还被流氓盖布袋,打得鼻青脸肿。   搞了一个晚上,陈莫到底有...

风花雪月/wind flower snow moon / 阳建军

四川西北部的一个小村庄里,90岁的阳爷爷是阳氏风水世家第九代传人。这个家族的男性成员大都继承了这门手艺,他们最主要的工作是为乡亲们主持葬礼。以他们为线索,影片串联起多起死亡:白发人送黑发人的中国式悲剧,为丧葬费用互相扯皮的儿女,先后死去的恩爱夫妻。而阳家自身,在迎来两个重孙子的同时,阳爷爷不得不亲手埋葬了他罹患癌症的儿子。《风花雪月》是他们举行葬礼礼拜佛祖时的香赞。在雪灾和地震先后袭来的2008年,这个家族故事折射着佛祖所说的八苦:生、老、病、死、爱别离、怨憎会、求不得、五阴炽盛。 Synopsis: There is...

仪式 ceremony/ / 叶媛媛


毕业前线/ / 武维

  “这是一个伟大的时刻,这也是一个伤感的时刻,在这个时刻讲话,选择讲话的内容也是一个艰难的事情”毕业典礼上,有人高呼00法律万岁,也有人黯然离场。。。   影片真实的纪录了2000级贺晔(复旦大学法学院)、徐达(同济大学电子学院)等3位新世纪的大学生告别校园前夕一段感人至深的青春独白。。。。。。

金色外滩/GIVE ME A BED / 武维

故事大纲: 法律大学毕业生洪涛在求职的路上处处碰壁,梦想瞬间转为一个最基本的要求:给我一张床。巧遇何太太后得以在房地产公司上班,不久地产商的欺诈行为被正义的洪涛在媒体面前报了光。。。。。。 女友的背叛、乡下妹妹的失学,洪涛在生活所迫下与好友向阳一起贩卖起假证件,在阳光下数钱的洪涛被公安逮了个正着。。。。。。 在“戴上面具就是神”的傩舞表演中,洪涛读懂了爷爷的灿烂,独自爬上家乡的山头府视着青山绿水的小村庄。。。。。。

Hable con ella/ / Pedro Almodóvar

'Hable con ella' aka 'Talk to Her' (2002) is a powerful cinematic experience…It is not the best Almodovar and the narration is not a pristine one as more affective details could have been added. Yet the movie succeeds on so many levels. Why is that so? An original scenario and a bunch of very good actors might very well be the answer. Very baroque at time, adept of kitsch atmospheres Mr. Almodovar also has a cinematic sense of parody as well as drama. His style became famous out of Spain with m...

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